Mon 5 Jan, 2004 11:18 am
I was just sent this one by a friend, who refuses to send the answer for about a week. Any ideas? BTW: the original sender uses a fixed-width font, so the letters were aligned in a 4x3 grid (may or may not be important).
The following is an address that was written on a letter
the post office actually managed to deliver many, many
years ago. Can you figure it out? Don't tell me you're not
as smart as the guys at the post office.
Got part of it, but so far as I know, there is no town in Mass. called Johnson...
John Underwood
- not sure of the rest of it.
Mayby there was just one "John Underwood" in Mass "many, many years ago..."
Seal... are ruburbs diferent than suburbs?
John Underwood, Andover, Mass.
Very good. I would never have gotten the "and"
Andover! Brilliant!
(Ruburbs are between the suburbs and rural...)