@Renaldo Dubois,
The first that I heard of 'O Reilly was when I read a book called 'Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them,' by Al Franken. It was a really good book, I really enjoyed it, it made me laugh. There was a whole chapter on 'O Reilly, with all of the lies he had told well researched, and documented.
I next saw him on Charlie Brooker's screen wipe. They showed a clip of him shouting and bullying a young lad of 18 whose father had died in 9/11. The reason O' Reilly was acting in such a vile and disgusting manner was that the young lad did not believe in the war in Iraq. It just showed me what a completely repulsive **** the man was.
Then we got the rancid filth that calls itself Fox 'News' posted on our Satellite News Channels. Over here we have a thing called the BBC. The BBC was set up by Royal Charter, it is required BY LAW to be fair and impartial. There is a very rigorous system in place to ensure its impartiality. There is an independent panel that reviews complaints about bias, normally these complaints are from the government of the day, whether Labour or Conservative. 99% of the time they find in favour of the BBC. When the BBC is found to be unbiased, it's headline news. Even it's fiercest critic, The Daily Mail can't accuse the BBC of bias. (You'd love the Daily Mail Mr. Dubois, like you,it supported the Nazis in the 1930s, and very little has changed.
So we, Mr. Dubois, know what a news channel is, unlike you. A news channel reports the facts, and when there is a need for comment, both sides of the arguement are presented. Normally people with differing viewpoints are interviewed at the same time, to ensure balance. That's what the BBC does, that's what Al Jazeera does, and to be fair, that's what CNN does.
Then you have propaganda vehicles, where some gobshite has an arguement with the camera. That's what Press TV does, (Iranian propaganda), that's what RT does, (Russian Propaganda), and that's what Fox 'News' does (Far Right Wing American Propaganda). You can't see that, because you're a small minded bigot,who has no interest about finding anything out about the outside world. You don't watch a 'news' channel to find anything out. You just watch a 'news' channel to reinforce your own prejudices, and O' Reilly is as big a bigot as you are Mr. Dubois.