Tue 26 Apr, 2011 06:17 pm
Dear Expert,
Hello, my name is Maria Luisa Rodriguez I am a seventh grade student that is doing a astronomy project at school. This project requires me to get an interview from an experienced astronomer. I ask of you, that if there is someone in the web-site who can help me in this project, that they answer my questions. And if there isn't anyone that you can give me a good and reliable source that I can send my interview to. I would really appreciate this help and would really like to have an answer as soon as it is possible for you. I will send you a copy of my questions so you can give them to someone in the web-site, if possible, and I will wait for a response. I don't mean to sound rude, but I would like an answer to my e-mail as quickly as possible, for I need this before May 2, 2011. I thank you again and I will wait for your response.
1. What tools are needed in order to locate a star not visible to the human eye?
2. The stars are named or cataloged using the Morgan-Keenan System, but do astronomers always use the Morgan-Keenan Luminosity System?
3. A star starts as a giant rotating cloud of hydrogen and helium, how are these clouds formed?
4. There are billions of stars in the universe, so is it possible for there to be different stars in different galaxies?
5. Would it be possible for binary stars to have enough gravitational pull on each other to combine or explode after they become main sequence stars, or would they have an effect on each other before they reach that stage?
6. Can astronomers know the color of the star by knowing its spectrum?
7. A stars surface temperature affects a lot of its characteristics, but does it's internal temperature not affect the star at all (its characteristics)?
8. Black holes are formed when stars of higher masses exhaust all of their energy and they have been red super giants, they've converted their core into iron, started consuming energy instead of liberating it, converted into a supernova and
a type ll supernova, but can other stars become black holes without going through the whole process?
9. If detected, how would the magnetic field of a star be rated or measured?
10. Do all of the other layers of the stars start forming after the star becomes a main sequence star, or does it start forming as the stars core temperature changes before it becomes a main sequence star?
11. Some people believe that the universe is expanding, is there any proof of that and what is your opinion about that?
Maria Rodriguez
I'm no expert in this field but I thought I would give your question a bump.
Have you tried looking up some of the answers in Google?
If you don't get an answer here I'll send you a message with some other places you might post your questions.
Good luck on your project!
These aren't leads for interviews, but here are some links where you can get some of your questions answered. You may also find an email link on them so you can request an interview:
Ask the Astronomer at The Astronomy Cafe
The American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
How Stuff Works - Astronomy Channel: