Sat 16 Apr, 2011 11:28 pm
The sun is expanding and earth is no longer a place to live. Somehow, all the human beings are heading to a new planet called Planet H1 with their High-Tech spaceship. There is a complete profile of each passenger that contains all the information about that person, from the moment of birth up to now. Among hundreds of spaceships that each going in a random direction, there is a spaceship called REF1 which discovers Planet H1, a very similar place to earth with no human being on it, only trees and animals.
Now, you are the one in charge to divide this planet among the people in your spaceship, as well as coming up with new rules which helps the human society to reform. How do you overcome this task? Will you divide things equally, or you will give more some based on their profile? If you are going to share this equally, justify your decision. If you will share things based on people’s profile, what type of people deserve more than others? How do you motivate people to do their work and who gets to do what?
That might depend upon how smart the other animals are, doncha think?
Each person shoud take his chattel with him
and then proceed, in freedom, with full
laissez faire capitalism, in an
environment of liberty.
If the people agree to create a government,
then it shoud have
NO jurisdiction,
other than that which is
EXPLICITLY granted to it.
Basically what I want to know is What is the best way to divide up a bag of gold that doesn't belong to anyone. I want to understand the morality behind it. Should we divide it equally, should we give more to the needy, should we award the some people based on their nice personality, or non of these?
@Virtue, does n´t really matter...the money will end up in the pocket of the smarter ones...that´s how nature divides !
@Fil Albuquerque,
No Fil. It will end up in the hands of the greedy ones who think owning alot of stuff constitutes success.
...oh my dear friend know what in my free mind association I believe we are really debating ?
Concentration and critical mass but not just about money...when I think on that I think on the necessary mass for a star to ignite...and yet I partially agree with you...why ?
because the problem seems to be, to precisely know the right dose...that is, growth development and evolution always requires a fine tune between concentration and not kill the golden goose...otherwise you have a black hole destroying and eating everything around.
@Fil Albuquerque,
That was very poetic, but I am not sure I take your meaning. It seems to me that money ends up in the hands of those who think that the aquisition of wealth is a goal in itself. That they are the smartest of us is an opinion, and one I do not share...
The problem doesn't particulary reside in acumulating money...rather on getting what you want when you want it...that may be money or anything else for the purpose, and to get it you need power...and that power, the power of making things happen its only possible when you are intelligent turn poetic poetic is your misunderstanding on this regard...further I also dislike greedy people, but I am not an idiot to be naive enough and dismissively overlook what lyes in front of my eyes...
@Fil Albuquerque,
All I see are opinions...
if it's up to me, i'm the only one to go, and get to take everything with me
okay, i'll leave all the sunscreen behind for the folks left on earth
Up to now, I have got two great answers. Greedy people will get it all, and the Smart people will get it all.
Let me add one more option: the people who have contributed to the society get the most part.
Which one really deserves it: Greedy ones, Smart ones, Contributers? Why?
Dose any one else have another moral perspective to decide this wealth in a different way?