I never indicated anywhere in my post that I knew it all or even a lot. This is a forum and people here provide information, info resources and opinons. You seem to want to attack me personally because of my post. However, you arrived and seemed confused and somewhat misinformed about what eclipses are and what is known as planetary transit.
If you detected my displeasure, it was with those who hold the beliefs that doomsday scenarios are associated with 12/21 2012. If that is not you or your belief, then why react emotionally? I expressed some disapproval of people whom make too much of that astronomical event. Mine was just an opinion of those that feel 12/21/2012 holds some dark cataclysmic event in store.
I answered in the best way I knew and also provided hyperlinks to information resources that are expert. Apparently you aren't pleased. Free information on this forum gives you exactly what you pay for. And sometimes you get opinions too. Bite off as much as you want and spit out the rest.
After a period of time (sometimes shorter than others) posts can turn into a general discussion about the topic. It just so happens that a topic such as 12/21/2012 is the type of topic that generates a lot of discussion about doomsday scenarios.