@Fil Albuquerque,
Hi Fido!!
Good point!
Anyway - The primary object is only observable as a sole entity from beyond its own dimension. As we know, it has a composition, ergo, observed from the inside it has no motion whatsoever - only the components, and the motion thereof, therein are perceivable - as is this universe we are accustomed to.
But for this issue we will stick to the object being observed from beyond - as is an atomic particle to us (imagined as having form).
With each movement this particle makes it expands its own dimension - we can slow this down and therefore see its motion frame by frame. let's use points A, B, C, D, E and F for simple reference.
A: particle is yet to commence perceivable motion.
B: particle has decayed and moved leaving a source of energy (prime ghost) in its wake at point A
C: particle is now decayed twofold, prime Ghost is at point B also in a state of temperal decay, secondary ghost is now at point A in a state of 2 X decay.
D: Particle collides with A, now in a state of 3 X decay - Prime energy source collides with depleted X 3 ghost and creates a new entity - A hybrid of D + A we will name 'E'.
E: A + D no longer exist - they are corrupted and altered by the collision.
F: Hybrid Particle has continued moving and is now in a state of Hybrid decay + 1, E is primary hybrid ghost + has now collided with B (decayed primary ghost X 2) - this creates a secondary hybrid (phase 2 hybrid) which has now made me decide to pursue this line of explanation in a different manner.
Will catch up with you after I have eaten.