Thu 31 Mar, 2011 08:28 pm
For doubting that scientists have found T Rex DNA. It seems that they did discover T Rex DNA in the soft tissue from Hell creek Montana.
Who is Ionus?
I dont ever see posts from that person
It's about time you recognized his genius, fm.
it isnt TREX dna, its alien.
get it right..
I don't either, funny, that.
Im sure he was kvelling in his group therapy today
we discussed the collagen proteins forund by Schweitzer in another thread about "bird evolution" These were actually analyzed by high res MS and the ratios of the badly preserved collagen proteins were best related to ostriches and chickens.
Ostriches? Like the one Gus almost had sex with?
Not only did hthey find TREX DNA. They managed to clone the sucker
I don't believe that T-Rexes r able to suck.
WELL, itS APRIL2 , back to a standard reality.
I never knew a T-Rex who was ABLE to suck.
Their teeth got in the way of their lips whenever thay tried it
and their arms were too short to operate a siphon,
but I do not believe that is the reason that thay became extinct.
did you have one as a pet when you were a kid?
Well, I
did have some of their descendants (direct or not).
You have so, and we have the pictures to prove it!!!
I believe that its DAve that you are refering to. He had a pet dinosaur during the Creataceous, when he was a mere child.