Wed 23 Mar, 2011 12:06 am
“These people do susu and kaka anywhere, like dogs they are. No shame.”
It's a sentence said by an Indian. So, what does susu and kaka mean here? Do they mean pee pee and poo poo?
Are you sure the other word is kaka? Because as far as I know its English translation is uncle!
Anyway, susu means "piss" or "urine". It's the sort of word mothers use with their toddlers. Most adults avoid using it.
kaka is a pretty common English slang term for "poo poo", yes. I've never thought of it as a translation from anything else, but maybe it is. And it does seem to fit the context, scant tho that context is.
wikipedia spells it "caca", which would presumably be pronounced the same as ""kaka" and says it's from the Latin "cacare", "to defecate".. So there you are.
That's why it's widely used in Latin languages..
@Old Goat,
That one was so easy that I didn't dare..
(The only difference ist that the last "a" is accentuated in his name)..