The engineering logic has always been"Lets make the desert bloom but take the water out of storage, science will figure out how to fix it in 30 years"
Well, 30 years later weve depleted the Ogalalla, the Edwards, The intermontane aquifers etc (Tucson ,Fresno, Bakersfiled, LAs Vegas etc etc)Phoenix and we still havent found a way to "fix it". Ground water is only so deep and then it begins to become brine.The optimal depth for ground water is under 750 feet with a max depth at around 1200 ft. Our problems in PA in the gas fields is that we are drilling to 8000 and 9000 ft but we are going THROUGH the ground water zones and theres very little care to protect the drinking water.
The Israelis are the world leaders in water conservation and recycling. They only drip as much water on ag products that can be directly put to the roots.
Ag in the desret is a major industry, besides the dry land wheta farming.Some of the best cattle and horse hay in the world is grown in NEVADA. Its a very rich , high protein alfalfa that packs a high nutrient level. The way its grown is by large circular plots of 160 A each. In the cehter of each is a gas turbine driven deep well pump that is blowing water into the sky.(It never rains out there so the hay never gets moldy or powdery like we have in the east).
The aqueduct that serves the cities in W Californis (LA San Fran) are huge OPEN ditches that concentrate salts as the water makes its way from robbing one water shed to put it in another.
I have to admit that mining takes a fairly large amount of water too, Im not innocent. At one Pt processing facility, weve taken to aiir classifying, where we use blasts of cyclonic air to separate ore rather than water and pine oil.