Quote:Human language is unique to any form of animal communication. For example, with human language I can describe something that you have never seen, and yet you would recognize it when you saw it.
To this I would classically reply with Plato´s reminiscence...that is, that you cannot see what you do not have already...all language is representation, and in that sense communication, now there are more concrete or abstract forms to it.. to my view is that simple...while a "rock" "speaks" its "force" around other objects to communicate itself, its presence and its effect, and it does so "spontaneously", an animal with some sense of awareness in its language expresses is mood or how it feels presently, and not just in a passive manner.
For instance when a dog barks threatening another animal, is barking is meant to represent a potential offensive action, which the other animal can imagine to some extent, that is, to abstractly in a primary level, being actually able to anticipate a consequence, which in turn is not objectively clear...and all in all, it still is a "gravitational reaction" to the environmental context, just like the rock "processing" and also being "processed "by the world around, of course, while it all goes in another layer of complexity or "field" of events...with human beings the capacity for abstraction goes a step further but still the structure is the same.
I am not at all convinced of any particular special case on Human language aside a step forward in complexity and utterly urge you to avoid "boxing" it aside...Science is about bringing together and not setting apart...that form of reasoning amounts only to bureaucracy...
(I myself, came from an Humanistic classical formal education set... nevertheless I am actually proud that I find a way out of its "natural deficiency´s" while still taking what is best to it, "Civilization" that is...and so I find myself finally out of subjective "Tail telling" paradigms and more into an "hard" approach in as much as I can with my own intrinsic background limitations...)