"MArch MAdness" is a fill in between football and baseball . While I only watch teams I had some association with (Penn STate, Princeton, Temple, Nova, Tulane), I have fun guessing the results. Nobody can pick these games withjout a major helping of luck.
My big interest hasnt been talked about yet. The really good college coaches, attempt to keep a cohesive team that isnt a turnstile where superstar kids come and go. In many of the basketball schools like KAqnsas and NC STate, we see a dismall graduation rate for the black kids who play.
In schools like PEnn State, Princeton, Duke, etc, the coaches have some of the best black player graduation rates for any schools.
Like DUkes coach said He would prefer a well oiled playing team with solid defense skills and outside 3 point shooting rather than one or two "kobes or Lebrons", (who, by the way , never attended college at all).
BAsketball, to me, is kinda boring