H2O MAN wrote:
I was hoping for something better, not worse.
Consider my dear dim wit, that oil is not worth more, but our money is worth less; and that is because of all the stupid needless wars started by Bush paid for with debased currency... Get your rich friends to pay for it instead of profiteering on it... That might help, but there is no way around the fact that people are trading their real oil for green pieces of paper having no intrinsic value, and in many cases, from a country and a people who have no respect whatever for their religion and culture... There are a billion and a half Muslims and only a few of them have oil, and those with the oil are currpted by our paper money... But; because we insist on paying for our war with loans, and because we support the enemies of Islam, if they do not want our money because they do not want to support us by buying our products they can break us... What are we going to do??? Will we force them to buy american at the point of a gun??? Will we point our guns at them and take their oil for nothing??? Our leadership, and by this I mean republican and democratic have got us in the mess, and made it worse, and no one can show us the exit... You should be president, or god or something with all your intelligence... As limited as it is, It exceeds the general level in government...