Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 12:16 pm
English : So this guy is having a barbecue party in his backyard for a bunch of people. He's roasting a chicken on a rostisserie, turning the handle and putting on the barbecue sauce when this drunk comes up to him and says
" Say buddy, not only can I not hear the music, but I think your monkey's on fire."
Dieser Kerl ist so ein Barbecue-party in seinem Hinterhof für eine Gruppe von Leuten, die. Er ist rösten ein Huhn auf einem Rostisserie, drehen den Griff und setzen auf die Barbecue-Sauce, wenn dieser betrunken kommt auf ihn zu und sagt, "Sagen Buddy, nicht nur ich nicht die Musik hören können, aber ich denke, Ihr Affe in Brand 's".

German to French:
Ce gars est donc un barbecue party dans son jardin pour un groupe de personnes, le. Il est rôti un poulet sur un Rostisserie, tournez la poignée et mettre à la sauce barbecue, quand il vient lui ivre et dit, « dit buddy, non seulement j'entends pas la musique, mais je pense que votre singe dans la marque ».

French to Spanish:
Este chico es un partido de barbacoa en su jardín para un grupo de personas la. Es asado un pollo en un Rostisserie, gire el control y desarrollar la salsa de barbacoa, cuando se trata de lo bebido y dijo, "dicho amigo, no sólo no puedo escuchar la música, pero creo que el mono en la marca".

Spanish to Slovak: (We have to have Slovak)
Ten chlap je stranou vonkajšieho grilu na záhrade pre skupinu ľudí. Pečenie kurča v Rostisserie, otáčajte regulátor a rozvíjať barbecue omáčkou, keď príde na opilý a povedal, "povedal, priateľovi, nielen môžem nie počúvať hudbu, ale myslím, že opice v značke".

Slovak to Russian:
Code:Этот парень является участником барбекю в саду для группы людей. Жареный цыпленок в Rostisserie, превратить регулятор и разрабатывать соус барбекю, когда дело доходит до пьян и сказал, «сказал он, друг, не только я могу не слушать музыку, но я думаю, что обезьяны в знак».
and ta ta ta dah:
Russian to English:
This guy is a party to the barbecue in the garden for a group of people. Fried chicken in Rostisserie, turn the adjuster and barbecue sauce, when it comes to drunk and said, "he said, a friend, not only can I not listen to music, but I think monkeys in character".

See how you do.
Joe (Once there were three bears)Nation
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 12:20 pm
@Joe Nation,
Are you using babelfish? Or some other online translator?
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 12:22 pm
Let's see Joe fess-up. Joe: You know all of those languages personally, right?
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 01:14 pm
This guy is a party to the barbecue in the garden for a group of people. Fried chicken in Rostisserie, turn the adjuster and barbecue sauce, when it comes to d- runk and said, "he said, a friend, not only can I not listen to music, but I think monkeys in character".

- and then there's chatlish:
OMG - LOL at ur chix n buuz partee - a real cabi . Buffy got blasted 'n shwd hr munkee.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 03:09 pm
Naw, I don't need to know no stinking languages!! I used Bing Translator. I still don't know where the "character" came from.

Do you remember the game "Telephone"? All the people had to do was repeat a story in ENGLISH, the results were sometimes very funny.
Joe(Next the Three Bears)Nation
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 04:23 pm
@Joe Nation,
Okay, I'll have a go, but I'm using my own story.

English wrote:
Karin was an elf, or at least I think she was, because her ears pointed and she always wore great shoes. Because she was an elf, I never actually attempted to seduce her, but I suspect she would not have been averse. However, I would have required that she keep the shoes on, and say to me, whispering, "Feed me tacos."

German wrote:
Karin war ein Elf, oder zumindest ich denke, dass Sie war da zeigten mit ihren Ohren und Sie immer große Schuhe trug. Weil Sie ein Elf war, ich nie wirklich versucht, Sie zu verführen, aber ich vermute, dass Sie nicht abgeneigt gewesen wäre. Aber würde ich erfordert, dass Sie die Schuhe anbehalten, und sagen mir, Flüstern, "Feed mich Tacos."

French wrote:
Karin était un elfe, ou au moins, je crois qu'elle était il y a montré avec leurs oreilles et porte des chaussures toujours grandes. Parce qu'un elfe a vous, j'ai jamais vraiment essayé de vous séduire, mais je soupçonne que vous aurait pas réticents. Mais j'exigerait que vous gardez les chaussures et dites-moi, chuchoter, « feed me tacos. »

Spanish wrote:
Karin fue un elfo, o por lo menos, creo que era se mostró con sus orejas y es siempre zapatos grandes. Porque un elfo fue usted, nunca he intentado seducirá, pero sospecho tiene paso renuente. Pero yo exigiría que mantenga los zapatos y dime, susurrando, "alimentar me tacos de."

Slovak wrote:
Karin bol Elf, alebo aspoň myslím, že bolo dokázané, s ich uši a je vždy skvelé topánky. Pretože Elf bol vás, som nikdy nezkoušel bude zviesť, ale mám podozrenie, že sa zdráha krok. Ale by vyžadovalo držať topánky a povedz mi, šeptání: "krmivá mne podpätky."

Russian wrote:
Карин было Elf, или по крайней мере, я думаю, это было доказано, с их уши, и это всегда большой обувь. Потому что Elf, я никогда не пробовал вам будет выполняться, но я подозреваю, что это неохотно двигаться. Но он потребует сохранить обувь, и скажите мне, шепчет: «кормить меня пяток».

English wrote:
Karin was Elf, or at least I think it's been proven, with their ears, and it's always great shoes. Because Elf, I've never tried it you will run, but I suspect that it is reluctant to move. But it would require to keep shoes, and tell me, whispering: "feed me heels".
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 04:31 pm
This could be a really great thread. Thanks, Joe Nation!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 04:32 pm
@Joe Nation,
Yup! Telegraph or Telephone was a game in sixth grade class. The brief story was whipsered around in a class of 24 students. The first one was whispered the story and the last one tells the class what is the final version.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 04:40 pm
My wife lived in China until she was 30. It is funny when she learns an American slang expression at work and then tries to use it at home.

A guy at work said to her, "Hey, Charlene! What's the word?" She came home and told me that she learned a new way to say hello from a guy at work. She told me that he said to her: "Hi, Charlene! What are your words?"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 04:50 pm
Ooh, I might play on this. Anyone tried google translator? I like it best so far.

The few times I've tried it, the translation seems sane.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 05:07 pm
@Joe Nation,
i loved this joke when Benny Hill used it in a song about 40 years ago

Outside a bar in Toledo, where you had had more than your fill,
A man stood rotating a chicken on a flaming-hot infrared grill.
You staggered up to him and shouted, with a voice just like a town crier,
You said, "Hey, mate, your barrel organ is broken, what's more your monkey's on fire."
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 05:11 pm
One night a policewoman pulls over a slightly drunk driver. She politely asks him to step out of his car. He willingly does so. She says, "Anything you say can and will be held against you." He replies: "breasts."

To German:
Eine Nacht zieht eine Polizeibeamtin über einen etwas getrunkenen Fahrer. Sie bittet ihn höflich, aus seinem Auto heraus zu treten. Er tut bereitwillig so. Sie sagt, " Alles, das Sie können und werden gehalten werden gegen you." sagen; Er antwortet: " breasts."

German to French:
Une fonctionnaire de police tire une nuit sur un conducteur bu légèrement. Vous demande poliment lui de faire un pas de sa voiture. Lui corner prêt ainsi. Elle dit, " ; Tout que vous pouvez et environ you." sont tenus ; dire ; Il répond : " ; breasts." ;

French to Dutch
Een ambtenaar van politie trekt een nacht op gedronken bestuurder een enigszins. Vraagt u beleefd hem om een stap van zijn auto te zetten. Hem klaar aldus toeteren. Zij zegt, " ; Alles dat u kunt en ongeveer you." worden gehouden; zeggen; Hij antwoordt: " ; breasts." ;

Dutch to English
A civil servant of police force draws a night on drunk driver slightly. Lived him asks you take a step of its car. Him ready thus hoots. She says, " ; Everything that you can and approximately you." are kept; to say; He answers: "breasts.”
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 05:45 pm
English by me:

This morning, a friend and I did some shopping and then went out for lunch to a new restaurant in our area, Sushi Xuan Asian Grill. We both liked the cafe a great deal. It is located in a poorly designed and not visually accessible shopping mall, so it was a good sign to us that the restaurant was busy when we were there.

We ordered a series of appetizers, gyoza and chicken yakitori and shrimp tempera, along with a pot of green tea. All were good.

off to google ig -

An diesem Morgen, ein Freund und ich habe einige Einkäufe und ging dann zum Mittagessen ein neues Restaurant in unserer Gegend, Sushi Xuan Asian Grill. Uns beiden gefiel das Cafe eine ganze Menge. Es befindet sich in einer schlecht konzipiert und visuell nicht zugänglich Einkaufszentrum, so war es ein gutes Zeichen für uns, dass das Restaurant beschäftigt, als wir dort waren.

Wir bestellten eine Reihe von Vorspeisen, Gyoza und Hühnchen Yakitori und Garnelen Tempera, zusammen mit einem Topf von grünem Tee. Alle waren gut.

German to French
Un matin, cela, un ami et j'ai un peu de shopping et ensuite à déjeuner un nouveau restaurant dans notre région, Sushi Xuan Asian Grill. Nous avons tous deux aimé le café beaucoup. Il est situé dans un mal conçu et pas visuellement centre commercial accessible, donc c'était un bon signe pour nous que le restaurant est occupé lorsque nous étions là.

Nous avons commandé plusieurs entrées, et le poulet yakitori gyoza et tempera crevettes, avec un pot de thé vert. Tous ont été bonnes.

French to Spanish
Una mañana de esto, un amigo y yo a almorzar un poco de compras y luego a un nuevo restaurante en nuestra zona, sushi Xuan Asian Grill. Los dos nos encanta mucho el café. Se encuentra en un mal diseñado y no visuales centro de acceso, por lo que era una buena señal para nosotros que el restaurante está ocupado cuando estuvimos allí.

Pedimos varias entradas, y el pollo yakitori y temperatura gyoza camarón, con una taza de té verde. Todos eran buenos.

Spanish to Slovak
Jedného rána v tomto, priateľ a ja jesť malé nákupy a potom do novej reštaurácie v našej oblasti, sushi Xuan ázijský gril. Obaja sme radi kávu moc.
To je v zle navrhnuté a non-vizuálny prístup centrum, a to bolo dobré znamenie pre nás, že reštaurácia je zaneprázdnený, keď sme tam boli.

Spýtali sme sa niekoľko záznamov, a kuracie yakitori a kreviet gyoza teploty, s šálkou zeleného čaju. Oni boli všetci dobrí.

Slovak to Russian
Однажды утром в этом, друг, и я есть небольшие покупки, а затем новый ресторан в нашей области, суши Суан азиатских гриль. Мы оба любим кофе тоже.Это плохо разработаны и не визуальный доступ центра, и это был хороший знак для нас, что ресторан занят, когда мы были там.

Мы попросили несколько записей, и куриный якитори и креветок Gyoza температуры, с чашкой зеленого чая. Они все были хорошие.

I have probably totally confused myself by now, by choosing too long a text and thus having trouble keeping track of what I was doing. We'll see..

Russian to English
One morning in this, my friend and I have a small shop, and then a new restaurant in our area, sushi Xuan Asian grill. We both love coffee, too. It is poorly designed and non-visual access to the center, and it was a good sign for us that the restaurant was busy when we were there.

We asked a few records, and chicken yakitori and shrimp Gyoza temperature, with a cup of green tea. They were all good.

Not too bad, considering... babelfish is worse on just one try.
Joe Nation
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 08:23 pm
I like to look at sentences to see the many commonalities.

Yesterday my mother told me my wife would be here tomorrow.
Gisteren mijn moeder vertelde me dat mijn vrouw zou hier morgen.
Inné dúirt mo mháthair liom go mbeadh mo bhean chéile a bheith anseo amárach
Gestern erzählte mir meine Mutter meine Frau würde morgen hier sein.

I går min mor fortalte mig, min kone ville være her i morgen.
Hier, ma mère m'a dit que ma femme serait ici demain.
Ahir la meva mare em va dir que la meva dona seria aquí demà.
Ayer mi madre me dijo que mi esposa estaría aquí mañana.
Kemarin ibu saya bilang istri saya akan berada di sini besok.

Joe(I love watching the words 'mother' and 'wife' change)Nation
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2011 09:33 pm
@Joe Nation,
a kind of music..
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2011 07:28 am
A2K Thread Title:
Has anyone here ever had sex with an ostrich? I almost did.

To German:
Gehabt jemand hier überhaupt Geschlecht mit einem Strauß? Ich hat fast.

German to French:
Eu quelqu'un ici effectivement sexe avec une botte ? J'ai presque.

French to Dutch:
Hebben quelqu' hier een werkelijk geslacht met een bos? J' heeft bijna.

Dutch to English:
Have anyone here a real line with a bunch? I has almost.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2011 07:45 am
djjd62 wrote:

i loved this joke when Benny Hill used it in a song about 40 years ago

Outside a bar in Toledo, where you had had more than your fill,
A man stood rotating a chicken on a flaming-hot infrared grill.
You staggered up to him and shouted, with a voice just like a town crier,
You said, "Hey, mate, your barrel organ is broken, what's more your monkey's on fire.

let's see how Benny Hill translates

Vor einer Bar in Toledo, wo Sie mehr als Ihre Füllung hatte,
Ein Mann Stand drehen ein Huhn auf einem flammenden-hot Infrarot Grill.
Sie bis zu ihm gestaffelt und schrie, mit einer Stimme wie ein Ausrufer,
Sie sagte: "Hey, Mate, Ihrer Drehorgel ist gebrochen, was mehr Ihr Affe 's on Fire.

À l'extérieur d'un bar de Tolède, où vous aviez plus que votre remplissage,.
Un stand de man tourner un poulet sur un gril infrarouge hot éclatant.
Vous classé à lui et crié, avec une voix comme un crieur public.
Elle a dit: « Hey, mate, votre orgue de barbarie est brisée, quoi plus vous le singe est le feu.

Fuera de un bar en Toledo, donde había más que el relleno.
Una posición de hombre encender un pollo una brillante parrilla caliente de infrarrojos.
Usted clasificados le y gritaba, con una voz como un crier de la ciudad.
Dijo: "Hey, mate, su órgano es roto, lo que más mono le es fuego.

Mimo panel v Toledo, ak tam bol viac ako plnenie.
Postavenie človeka osvetlenie kurča svetlé horúce infračervené gril.
Ste klasifikované ho a křičel hlasom ako vyvolávací mesto.
On povedal: "hej, kámo, jeho telo je nefunkčné, aké ďalšie opice je oheň.

За пределами бар в Толедо где было больше чем.
Статус человека освещение курица яркий горячий инфракрасного гриля.
Классифицировать его и кричал голос города Крикун.
Он сказал: "Эй, приятель, его тело нарушается, какие другие обезьяна — огонь.

Outside bar in Toledo where there were more than.
The status of human lighting bright hot infrared grilling chicken.
Categorize it and screaming voice Town Crier.
He said: "Hey, buddy, his body is broken, what other monkey is fire.
Joe Nation
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2011 08:05 am
It is like music to me.
How does language change, I keep asking myself.
Your mother told me my mother would come tomorrow.
Your mother told me my mother is coming tomorrow.
Your mother told me my mother was coming tomorrow.

All these mean the same thing.
Here's the German from Bing
Ihre Mutter erzählte mir, meine Mutter morgen kommen würde.
Ihre Mutter erzählte mir, meine Mutter Morgen kommt.
Ihre Mutter erzählte mir, meine Mutter morgen kommen war.

Here's the German from Google

Ihre Mutter erzählte mir meine Mutter würde morgen kommen.
Ihre Mutter erzählte mir meine Mutter kommt morgen.
Ihre Mutter erzählte mir meine Mutter kam morgen.

None of them are the same.

I don't know if that matters, it might.
I'm starting to look at other things.
All of the sentences are the same syntax as English until we get to "would, is, was, come, coming, tomorrow" Germans get their tomorrow first then the arriving verb. tommorrow coming is.
Ta mère m'a dit que ma mère viendrait demain.
Votre mère m'a dit ma mère vient demain.
Ta mère m'a dit que ma mère était à venir demain.

Three different words for coming and your mother "ME tells "rather than TOLD ME......m'a dit not dit m'a. I find that interesting.
Same with the Dutch:
Uw moeder vertelde me dat mijn moeder zou komen morgen.
Uw moeder vertelde me dat mijn moeder komt morgen.
Uw moeder vertelde me dat mijn moeder zou komen morgen.

Me tolds, but "coming, is coming tommorrow."
Now here's the Irish:
Do mháthair dúradh liom go mbeadh mo mháthair teacht amárach.
Do mháthair dúradh liom go bhfuil mo mháthair ag teacht amárach.
Do mháthair dúradh liom mo mháthair a bhí ag teacht amárach.

How about that? Your mhathair mother duradh liom told me ...

Any chance the folks speaking Olde English might have picked that construction from the Celts and dropped the German/French/Dutch
me told stuff??
Maybe they got it from the Welsh???
Mae eich mam dweud wrthyf y byddai fy mam yn dod yfory.
Mae eich mam wrthyf fy mam yn dod yfory.
Mae eich mam wrthyf fy mam yn dod yfory.

That "wrthy fy" is your Mam telling me instead is me being told.

Joe(Don't you love it that the Welsh word for mother is "mam"? )Nation
Joe Nation
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2011 08:19 am
Excellent! I wonder how many versions of that "monkey's on fire' there are?
Joe(billions and billions)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2011 09:15 am
A2K Thread Title:
How would you make a comic book series about streetfighting cats and dogs more interesting?

To German:
Wie würden Sie eine Comic-Serie über Streetfighting-Katzen und Hunde interessanter machen?

German to Chinese:
您如何将进行关于 Streetfighting 猫和狗一本漫画书系列更有趣?

Chinese to Japanese:
あなた Streetfighting での作業を行う猫および犬は、コミック本シリーズより興味深いですか?

Japanese to English:
You are interesting in Streetfighting do cats and dogs is a comic book series?
0 Replies

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