ok, I got an xmas card from an old friend. We wrote to each other last year. And before that it had been 2 years. So, privately, I made the resolution to stay in touch better with my friends.
farmerman wrote:Thats my problem, i could go ble blah blae blablalalabeal and people would tthin k I was serious. Oh the responsibility of a solemn avatar.
Course he wasnt a bad drunk

Maybe you could ask JP to make this solemn chap wink, farmerman? Or do you think he might look a bit .. confused ..?
tommrr wrote:Its my kindf of place. All thats required is a mind and the ability to use it...that and a quick and wit and thick skin.
You've got it, tommrr!
... and it grows on you & you get to know some folk very well & you really miss A2K when it's unavailable ... then you discover you're addicted!
My apologies, tommrrr. I've misread you're name!

But please note - I've gone back & changed my posts. Is it OK to call you "tom"? A lot easier to get right!
littlek wrote:ok, I got an xmas card from an old friend. We wrote to each other last year. And before that it had been 2 years. So, privately, I made the resolution to stay in touch better with my friends.
Yes! A good resolution, k. Good friends are worth their weight in gold!
Tom...Tommy....Tommrr.....I answer to all of them...I've been called much worse over the years..
Yes, but which do you like most?
Yes, "Attachments" come & go .... but really good friends are there for the long haul.
Tom will be fine. I feel I outgrew Tommy years ago, but some people don't believe me, and Tommrr....well, thats just a nickname with a loooooong story behind it.
Well, thanks for making me feel welcome...by the way...love the wink
Oh good! (Despite my wink causing credibility problems!

My first New Year's Resolution is not to take any sick days off work in 2005 unless I am actually sick.
Very virtuous of you, GD! :wink:
My REAL resolution is to not let my family get me down, ever again! Ya see, I'm gonna rise above it all & remain detached!

my resolution... man i have always made such silly and stupid ones... ones that told my maturilty level. I dont want to do that. and Im not in the right frame of mind to make a resolution... it would come out way to dark... i shall think about it... be back witha resolution in a bit
Ok, then .... When you're ready!
Find some time for myself to do things other than work.
msolga wrote:Region Philbis wrote:thanx -- i think?
(the wink keeps throwing me off!)
So, Region, you think my winking Felix avatar undermines the authority & solemnity of my pronouncements? Now that's a worry .......
next year i resolve to stop judging people by their avatars...