I resolve to loosen up and try not to be so stiff and formal in my conversations....
Bang and date multiple women, seperately, at the same time, whenever.
Possibly get a summer rental with a friend of mine in Newport, RI, which will add to gameplan listed above.
Make more money than I did the last two years.
I still don't know where I'm going for New Year's. Gotta get everyone on the same page as to what bar.
head south slap...I feelk certain the local girls would be putty in the hands of a slick talking yankee carpetbagger such as yourself.....
i wrote:i resolve to see if i can go a full year without eating red meat.
2 more frockin weeks til i fall from grace
filet mignon? bacon cheeseburger with all the fixins??

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:head south slap...I feelk certain the local girls would be putty in the hands of a slick talking yankee carpetbagger such as yourself.....
It would be interesting to test my game out in the South. I've been weathered and hardened from battling the jaded women of Boston.
They(southern belles) wouldn't know what hit them.
Region Philbis wrote:i wrote:i resolve to see if i can go a full year without eating red meat.
2 more frockin weeks til i fall from grace
filet mignon? bacon cheeseburger with all the fixins??

For health reasons, Region?
I resolve to move on with my life. Enough of this procrastination!
I resolve to stop being so dang over-sensitive.
Oh, and, yes, also to become putty in Slappy's 'hands.'
I resolve not to make promises which i can't or don't intend to keep . . .
Aw, be a devil, Setanta! Make some wild, reckless promises!!!
msolga wrote:For health reasons, Region?
just wanna see if i can do it
I see! A man who likes a challenge!
thanx -- i think?
(the wink keeps throwing me off!)
I resolve not to make any resolutions
Aw, tommrr GO ON!!!! Just teensy-weensy little resolution! If you think hard enough you'll come up with something!
Region Philbis wrote:thanx -- i think?
(the wink keeps throwing me off!)
So, Region, you think my winking Felix avatar undermines the authority & solemnity of my pronouncements? Now that's a worry .......
Ok....how about starting a grass roots campaign to stamp out political correctness.
Right, then, tommrr! Lead on!
BTW, welcome to A2K!

This is the first time I've met you since you joined. I hope you're enjoying the experience.
Thats my problem, i could go ble blah blae blablalalabeal and people would tthin k I was serious. Oh the responsibility of a solemn avatar.
Course he wasnt a bad drunk
Its my kindf of place. All thats required is a mind and the ability to use it...that and a quick and wit and thick skin.