Piffka's Surefire Stop Smoking Routine
Ahhh, MsOlga, if you do use this method, wait until you're feeling particularly ill from the smoking... coughing has set in and you're truly disgusted with yourself. Smoke so much that you feel sick to your stomach! THAT really helps.

Then get rid of every single cigarette you own in that fire (sob) and go immediately to bed. Next morning, drink orange juice. Very few people want a cigarette when they're drinking OJ. That'll get you through the first eight or nine hours. After that... just keep breathing. Shower so that all the smell of cigarettes is out of your hair. Wash all your clothes for the same reason. Open all the windows and air out the house. Wash the windows and the curtains. Anything that reminds you of smoking... don't do! Take long walks, try to run (hahah). If possible, go swimming and swim more laps than usual. Then hit the steam-room.
As for my optimism -- the glass is half-full, always.