msolga wrote:Noddy24
My own private exorcism? hmmmm, now that's a thought!

I thought that was a good one, too, Noddy. Might work! It reminded me of how I quit smoking once. It wasn't a New Year's Resolution, and I did have to get kicked in the butt later, but it worked for a few months. It was during one of those by the campfire talking and coughing moments.
We took every cigarette we had, including a couple of (sob) fresh packs, and burned them in the fire. Some of the cigarettes were snapped in half, and suitable things said like "damned coffin nail," etc. The fresh packs went whole. (What a short sentence for what seemed a momentous moment.) If we hadn't burned them in the fire, we'd have burned them through our lungs and that was an epiphany of sorts.
I have a new resolution to go with the others I posted on Clary's thread.* I am going to make some oil paintings and a mural or two -- all new art to me. Here's what I think...
Do something new in 2004!
*Have more fun.
*Eat better.
*Have more parties.