Charlie Sheen: WIN-NING?

Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 11:37 am
Charlie Sheen has finally been fired from his sitcom.
Charlie Sheen fired from 'Men' by Warner Bros.
March 7, 2011

Ending an eight-year relationship and perhaps one of TV's most lucrative sitcoms, Warner Bros. Television Monday fired Charlie Sheen for what it called "moral turpitude."

In a statement, the producer said, "After careful consideration, Warner Bros. Television has terminated Charlie Sheen's services on 'Two and a Half Men' effective immediately." Neither Warner Bros. nor CBS had further comment, except to say that a decision on the show's future has not been made.

The firing came after Sheen posted an obscenity-filled rant on the live video website UStream on Sunday. However, it appeared Warner's decision had been under consideration for some time.

Portions of a letter the producer sent to Sheen's attorney were posted on TMZ and later released to other media outlets. The letter said, "Your client has been engaged in dangerously self-destructive conduct and appears to be very ill. . . . There is ample evidence supporting Warner Bros. reasonable good faith opinion that Mr. Sheen has committed felony offenses involving moral turpitude (including but not limited to furnishing of cocaine to others as part of the self-destructive lifestyle he has described publicly) that have 'interfere[d] with his ability to fully and completely render all material services required' under the agreement."

The actor, who has used TV, radio and social media to create a big megaphone for himself, was not silent for long. In a text to The Associated Press, Sheen responded with an expletive and "They lose," followed by the word "Trolls."

Sheen is expected to sue for breach of contract. His lawyer, Marty Singer, told The Hollywood Reporter Monday that a lawsuit could be filed "this week [or] it could be in a little while. We're in no rush. But we will sue."

Sheen's contract reportedly does not have a "morals clause" - apparently the reason Warner Bros. cited "moral turpitude" relating to distribution of cocaine.

Bob Gumer, a veteran industry lawyer and adjunct professor of law at Pepperdine University in Malibu, Calif., said Monday, "If they're going to go with 'moral turpitude' alleging a felony, it's clearly a stronger position than just saying he's sleeping with two women at the same time."

The firing also places a TV stalwart that has generated a quarter of a billion dollars in revenue in limbo. CBS and Warner Bros. could recast Sheen's role of Charlie Harper or - the more likely scenario - add a new character.

Production on "Two and a Half Men" was suspended Feb. 24 due to what the network and producer then called Sheen's "statements, conduct and condition."

When I first started watching the recent Charlie Sheen media blitz/meltdown, I wasn't fully convinced he was mentally ill. Some of his grandiosity seemed justified--he was, after all, the highest paid star on prime time TV, he was more than helping to keep his network competitive, and syndication rights for "Two And A Half Men" helped to line the pockets of a lot of people. He had some right to be arrogant and boastful. Was he just giving vent and saying what a lot of highly paid celebs would like to say if they had the nerve?

Now I am convinced that the man is unraveling, whether due to substance abuse, underlying psychopathology, an excess of media attention and an all too eager audience willing to watch a celeb gone wild, or a combination of all of those things. And Sheen clearly wants everyone to watch, and he's certainly commanding attention, he's dominating the media--I think he even catapulted into the Guinness Book of Records for amassing the most Twitter followers in the shortest period of time.

Here's one of his most recent video rants. He appears disheveled, manic, and grandiose. He's chain smoking, jumpy, and drinking something.

After his firing yesterday, there was a video of Sheen on the roof of a building waving a machete, saying, "Free at last". But, was this as crazy as it seemed, or was this carefully staged to feed into Sheen's newly found image?

Sometimes, it's best not to go looking too hard for the reasons behind Charlie Sheen's bizarre behavior. And other times, you can't help but do anything else. Especially when he decided to celebrate his firing yesterday by jumping on a roof and waving a machete around.

Trust us when we say this hurts us more than it will you, but it turns out, Sheen's sword-wielding escapade isn't as crazy as we first thought. Here's the deal...
First of all—and brace yourselves for the disappointment here—that wasn't Sheen's machete.

Instead, E! News exclusively learned, the prop is the prized possession of a Live Nation executive (on whose building Sheen engaged in the knife-robatics).

During a smoke break amid his merchandising meeting, Charlie started out doing nothing more harmless and uncrazy than give a simple wave to paparazzi. But sensing a Kodak moment in the works, the Live Nation exec ran into his office to retrieve the machete and then informed Sheen to give his best Che Guevara and wave it around for the cameras. The "Free at last!" freestyle, however, was all Charlie's idea.

"Charlie grabbed it and was like, 'Cool. Viva la revolución!'" a source said.

The action, needless to say, was a hit—not only with the paparazzi, but with Sheen himself, who immediately began telling people he wanted to get a similar sword for his "warlock arsenal." Of course he does.

Some people seem to be applauding and admiring Sheen for breaking all the rules, for doing, and saying, and living, just what he wants to say and do, without apparent constraints. Celebs are, after all, entitled to private lives--even when these lives become very public. And, he's certainly got the media groveling, enabling, and broadcasting every utterance. He's a master publicist.

What do you think of the latest Charlie Sheen spectacle (or is it a spectacular?).

Should the network have fired him?

What are we witnessing? Is this just another celeb train wreck, or are we watching a master of his craft? Although he appears to be losing (custody of his children, his TV show, etc.), is he really win-ning on some other level?

Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 12:22 pm

I can 't figure out Y anyone shoud care
about Charlie Sheen. What difference does it make ?
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 12:32 pm
I think the show made him that way as he was in that character for 8 years. Before the show he was respectable. The dialogue probably after 8 years probably twisted his thinking. It seems a whole slew of child celebrities are going thru the mess e.g. Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Miley Cyrus, Charlie Sheen, etc.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 12:52 pm
I've been very irritated with the way the media has used his mania for ratings. What's next, getting demented patients from the rest home and taunting them on live TV? Of course my feelings are based on my belief that Sheen needs psychiatric help. I think more people are coming to that conclusion and hopefully someone close to him will get him some help before his situation gets any worse. As for CBS, I don't think they had much of a choice in the matter. I'm glad they are no longer enabling his behavior and from the little I've seen, it looks like they have refrained from making derogatory comments.
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Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 01:05 pm

He seems to think that he is an important person.
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Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 01:11 pm
I'm going to go out on a limb and ask some dumb questions. Hopefully they'll be answered because we are after all "able2know" and I don't want to search the internet for this trivial stuff.

#1 What is this "WIN-NING" thing? What does it mean?

#2 What's the premise behind the 2 1/2 Men show? Never seen it, and in my mind I keep getting it mixed up with "3 men and a baby"
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 01:33 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I can 't figure out Y anyone shoud care
about Charlie Sheen. What difference does it make ?

Charlie's lawyer cares. He bills by the hour.
0 Replies
Green Witch
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 01:39 pm
Chai, From what I've seen of the show it's about two brothers and a young boy (the son of the non-Charlie character) who talk about farting, sex, food, sex, hating school, and being afraid their mother who is a strong, successful female. I don't have cable so I have only seen parts of the show when it comes in over my free airwaves, and I must be getting re-runs because the young boy keeps changing age from about 7 to 16.

I don't know the "win-ning" reference, but the media is covering this enough that it constantly comes up on my CNN home page and I even saw an article in the Times. To me it seems like he is acting like a typical drug addict full of denial and crazed ego. It's sad, but the public and press are circling him like vultures and I think it's only a matter of time before they get to feast on the dead body. I feel bad for his family, they seem like nice people.
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 01:41 pm
He might have a mental illness problem, and firing Sheen will not be a biggie as they have more than enough shows to sell for reruns and that Sheen was enough of a bad boy to need to be fired only helps to sell the show.

The interesting thing here is why is it that Sheen has been allowed to behave this way for so long, and why is he so popular? I think in our overly regulated, overly criminalized and overly sedate world that a lot of people look at Sheen and say " man, I wish I could get away with acting like that, go for it brother, have another outrageous act for me". When we see this out of women, Britney, Lohan, Winehouse, we feel sorry for them and want them to get help. When we see it from men we cheer them on.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 01:51 pm
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:

Chai, From what I've seen of the show it's about two brothers and a young boy (the son of the non-Charlie character) who talk about farting, sex, food, sex, hating school, and being afraid their mother who is a strong, successful female. I don't have cable so I have only seen parts of the show when it comes in over my free airwaves, and I must be getting re-runs because the young boy keeps changing age from about 7 to 16.

I don't know the "win-ning" reference, but the media is covering this enough that it constantly comes up on my CNN home page and I even saw an article in the Times. To me it seems like he is acting like a typical drug addict full of denial and crazed ego. It's sad, but the public and press are circling him like vultures and I think it's only a matter of time before they get to feast on the dead body. I feel bad for his family, they seem like nice people.


against my better judgement, I did 2 things. I clicked on the link that was a vid of him, I don't know what you'd call it, blathering I suppose. Watched less than 3 minutes and it wasn't getting any better, or worse.
I just saw a drug addled person, if mentally ill probably because of the drugs, carrying on the way a long term drug user does.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Then, the 2nd thing I regret doing was going on youtube and watching 2 clips of the show. One was short, like less than 2 minutes, the other was longer, but I stopped at less than 2 minutes, since I figured I now knew as much about this whole thing as I could stand.

Didn't see anything funny. Acting sucked, really stiff.

That's about 7 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 01:54 pm

The whole thing is boring.
I wish that thay 'd stop forcing this on folks who wanna watch the news.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 01:59 pm
Didn't see anything funny. Acting sucked, really stiff.
I dont watch the show, so I dont know that it is supposed to be funny. I do know that it is about bad boys unappologetic, and that it has been very successful. For what ever reason this appeals to enough people to make a lot of money off of. I recall seeing that the viewers skew hard to the male, and in the age brackets that sell to advertisers.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 02:13 pm
Charlie Sheen is being a typical cocaine addict.
The delusion of being bigger than, better than and even in his own words " I can even heal faster than other people" ... are just a few signs.

Not to mention how his skin looks, how big his pupils are , how shaky his body is and well... dag-nab it, he admits to it.

The man has lost his job, had his children taken away from him, could possibly face felony charges and yet people and the media stand back and poke him like a caged animal.

I have not seen but 2 interviews and this is one time I am very thankful I do not watch TV. It was not until I noticed several jokes about him on my facebook feed that I was wondering what was up. Watching those let me know.

Im this side of furious over some of it.And its nothing to do with WHO it is about.I could give a rats ass about charlie. As a human I feel a bit of concern, he is publicly hitting bottom and selfishly creating a media frenzy around him. But I cant fix it, he isnt in MY life, his actions do NOT directly affect me.. . it doesnt matter.

But watching everyone stand back and mock ...just floors me.
If that were someone in their family, they would be stunned, ashamed, helping, or DOING something..even if it was ignoring them. Instead , people make fun, insult and point fingers. Its a zoo and it is just this side of pathetic. Our society is embarrassing sometimes.

should he have the right to sue ? Of course. It was his job, it was HIS actions and it affects HIS income. Yup. Sue buddy. Go right on ahead, do what you need to do.

Is this a "master at his craft?"
No. This is a drug addict with a lot of money and social strength. People are eating it up and he is using it to his own delusional favor. This is not WHO he is, or he would have been this way his whole life. This is who he is on cocaine.
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 02:38 pm
Even though I didn't watch his video for long, and didn't see anything unexpected, it always gives me the heebie jeebies when I see someone on coke, or anything of that ilk.

I keep envisioning what it's doing to their heart.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 02:41 pm
all I see when I see someone on coke is all the stupid **** they will do to maintain their habit once their money runs out.

coke heads scare me..

meth heads fall right behind that..
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 02:49 pm
Unfortunately, if you've got millions, the money isn't going to run out.

Well, yeah, it could, through related stuff, mistakes made, but still there's a lot more rope to run out.
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 02:56 pm
Look at Whitney Houston

what was it.. 6 years?
money runs out.. but his I think is more established and coming in regularly.

So.. basically he will snort himself to death. ugh.
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 03:09 pm
Years ago, I watched this documentary where they had a monkey strapped down and OD'd it on cocaine.
It was one of the most horrible things I ever saw. Made me cry.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 03:32 pm
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:

Chai, From what I've seen of the show it's about two brothers and a young boy (the son of the non-Charlie character) who talk about farting, sex, food, sex, hating school, and being afraid their mother who is a strong, successful female. I don't have cable so I have only seen parts of the show when it comes in over my free airwaves, and I must be getting re-runs because the young boy keeps changing age from about 7 to 16.

I don't know the "win-ning" reference,
but the media is covering this enough that it constantly comes up on my CNN home page and I even saw an article in the Times. To me it seems like he is acting like a typical drug addict full of denial and crazed ego. It's sad, but the public and press are circling him like vultures and I think it's only a matter of time before they get to feast on the dead body. I feel bad for his family, they seem like nice people.
Maybe a distortion of whining??
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2011 03:44 pm
I loved 2 1/2 men while it lasted like I love all of Chuck Lorre's shows.(Roseanne ,Grace Under Fire, Cybill, Dharma & Greg, The Big Bang Theory and Mike & Molly).
The writing is great and funny but Charlie got out of control. It's been happening since the beginning of Hollywood.
I just hope he survives.

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