Charlie Sheen: WIN-NING?

Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 09:36 pm
I think that this is your third post after, "I can 't figure out Y anyone shoud care
about Charlie Sheen. What difference does it make ?", Om.

Put down your National Enquirer and get some sleep.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 09:46 pm
How is JJ taking all this, Arella ?
I hope that he is not too upset.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
I wouldn't worry David - my dog seems to be taking it in stride.
She seemed a little subdued last night, but I just think that's because I didn't have time to take her for a walk yesterday.

But I have a question for people who are familiar with what constitutes 'addicted' behavior:

Does the person who is addicted to coke have to have it every day - like at a certain time of day?

I ask this because I have a friend with whom I spend time only on an occasional basis - like twice a month or once a month, but who calls me every day.
This person has a definite problem with alcohol, but even there, only seems to need it at night-although then drinks COPIOUS amounts and I mean a lot- like he'll order a beer and a glass of wine at the same time, drink that, then say, 'I need a smoke,' take a drink out with him, drink that in three gulps, order another one, when people go to use the toilet, drink one quickly before that person comes out - so by the end of the night- it looks like he's had five drinks when really he's had ten.
I don't know why he thinks he's fooling me - but he does think he is - so I just play along.

Well this same person has started calling me at night and talking really, really quickly and his voice even sounds higher - like he's on speed or something. And this person has started having these spontaneous nosebleeds so I'm thinking, 'Oh **** - coke....'
So he had this big crisis and I went down there this week and he seemed absolutely normal the first day - I know he didn't sneak off and do any hits of coke, but by the second day seemed a little shaky and I know was happy to see me leave- I think so he could do some drugs without me cottoning on to the fact that now he's doing drugs with his alcohol.

Could someone addicted to coke go without it for a day without getting incredibly twitchy by the end of the day?

And NO - this is not my son- thank god. It's a friend. I'm being intentionally vague to protect his privacy.
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 09:50 pm
"Could someone addicted to coke go without it for a day without getting incredibly twitchy by the end of the day?"


but most likely he was able to get a bump without you knowing it.
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 10:22 pm
And NO - this is not my son- thank god. It's a friend. I'm being intentionally vague to protect his privacy.

Yeah.. weelll, iM noot yur frnd ani moreee...,.......................

i qm winnnnni9ng
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 10:23 pm
Yeah - that could be true - when he went to the toilet himself or something.

So, when you do a 'bump' of something like cocaine - does it just do away with the shakiness, but not change your behavior in any other way - like does it help someone just maintain their ability to function - as opposed to making their behavior more wired?

And my other question is: would a person who'd never done drugs in their twenties suddenly start doing a drug like coke in their forties?

I'm just trying not to make the wrong assumptions and I can't really ask someone a question like, 'Oh - are you a cokehead TOO now?'

My problem is that I've never been addicted and I've never spent time around anyone who is addicted to anything that I know of (except for the heroin/methadone addicts I teach at the prison) enough to have anything except the stereotype in terms of perception or impression on how they might act and it might affect them.
So I was thinking - 'Oh, he seems normal - he's NOT doing coke...but I was just wondering if that normalcy can be maintained for twenty-four or forty-eight hours if it needs to be, until the next hit or if a person who is addicted needs it all the time or on a regular schedule.

And can someone do coke occasionally without getting addicted? And I'm talking about someone who has an addictive personality - I mean I think I could - because I don't get addicted to stuff. But if someone is addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, etc. would they most likely also get addicted to coke if they tried it?
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 10:24 pm
Yeah.. weelll, iM noot yur frnd ani moreee...,.......................

i qm winnnnni9ng

oops - sorry Charlie.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 10:27 pm
a lot of Ida knows in there...

lots of folks play with cocaine without getting addicted.

some don't.

...and there are many stages of addiction...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2011 10:50 pm
How is JJ taking all this, Arella ?
I hope that he is not too upset.
aidan wrote:

Laughing Laughing Laughing
I wouldn't worry David - my dog seems to be taking it in stride.
She seemed a little subdued last night, but I just think that's because I didn't have time to take her for a walk yesterday.

But I have a question for people who are familiar with what constitutes 'addicted' behavior:

Does the person who is addicted to coke have to have it every day - like at a certain time of day?

I ask this because I have a friend with whom I spend time only on an occasional basis - like twice a month or once a month, but who calls me every day.
This person has a definite problem with alcohol, but even there, only seems to need it at night-although then drinks COPIOUS amounts and I mean a lot- like he'll order a beer and a glass of wine at the same time, drink that, then say, 'I need a smoke,' take a drink out with him, drink that in three gulps, order another one, when people go to use the toilet, drink one quickly before that person comes out - so by the end of the night- it looks like he's had five drinks when really he's had ten.
I don't know why he thinks he's fooling me - but he does think he is - so I just play along.

Well this same person has started calling me at night and talking really, really quickly and his voice even sounds higher - like he's on speed or something. And this person has started having these spontaneous nosebleeds so I'm thinking, 'Oh **** - coke....'
So he had this big crisis and I went down there this week and he seemed absolutely normal the first day - I know he didn't sneak off and do any hits of coke, but by the second day seemed a little shaky and I know was happy to see me leave- I think so he could do some drugs without me cottoning on to the fact that now he's doing drugs with his alcohol.

Could someone addicted to coke go without it for a day without getting incredibly twitchy by the end of the day?

And NO - this is not my son- thank god. It's a friend. I'm being intentionally vague to protect his privacy.
I dunno.
Not claiming to be an expert,
upon the basis of your description, I don 't think much of his life expectancy.

Don 't leave any of your valuables within his reach; nothing that u r not willing to lose.

Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 02:26 am
Yeah - after I got home he called me on my home phone and asked me to text him my mobile number because someone had taken his phone and wiped out all the numbers.
His life is one long emergency- as per the Bruce Springsteen song.
Then he texted me to thank me for my help and said he's sorry to be such a bore and I didn't answer because I would have said, 'Yeah - it IS boring- pull your **** together why don't you? You've become very predictable- nothing ever goes right for you. Are you starting to get the picture here?'
It's exhausting.

It's sad, because he is smart and funny but can't pull himself out of his ****. And I see it every single day in the prison. These people get so stuck in the drugs that there's nothing else.

Which brings me to the fact that if this friend of mine is doing drugs or coke - I can't have him in my car. If I get stopped with drugs in my car, I'll lose my job and be deported for god's sake. I work for the prison service! I'm not a citizen of this country!

He hasn't stolen anything from me yet though.

Yeah - it is boring. I deal with this stuff on my job every day- I don't want to spend my leisure time dealing with it.

And speaking of prison - isn't possession of drugs still illegal in the US? How's Charlie sneaking around that issue?
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 08:25 am
IMO aidan, I don't think you're doing your friend any favors by pretending that you don't notice how much he's drinking.

Nor do I think you would be out of line point blank asking him if he's doing coke, or anything else.

You will not be making the situation any worse by bringing it out in the open.
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 08:27 am
BTW, all this Sheen business really has roland thrown for a loop. He's spending a lot of his time gazing out the window, seemingly lost in thought.

otis however, seems to be taking it all in stride.
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 08:34 am
I'm not pretending really. I was friends with him when he went through rehab a year and a half ago. Before that, we'd always gone out to pubs - after that I was nervous to go near a pub with him and steered him more to restaurants but was really impressed to see him still going to the pub but ordering non-alcoholic beer.
Then one day, he ordered a glass of wine so I said, 'Okay - are we gonna talk about the elephant that just walked in the room?' and he asked, 'What?' all innocently.
And I said, 'You're drinking again?'
And he said, 'Yeah, but I have it under control...'

So you know, what am I supposed to say to him? He's an adult, he bears me no responsibility - I'm not married to him-I'm not his mother (thank god)....he knows what drinking does to him and he knows how much he's drinking.
It's his business as far as I can see.
I've already been through the whole 'Why do you drink so much?' thing with him.
Honestly - I'm about ready to say - 'Hey - let someone else watch you self-destruct. I'm no good at it.'

And as far as the coke goes - how am I supposed to say to someone - 'Are you doing drugs now?'
Again - it's his business until he makes it mine.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 08:42 am
Well, you said you were his friend. I suppose your last post shows how close/good a friend you are.

That's all I have to say about that.
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 08:47 am
I have tried to be his friend - but I don't seem to be very much more than a crisis interventionist at this point - and I refuse to be a babysitter.

That doesn't mean I don't care about him and it doesn't make me sad.

It does.

But I don't know how to do anything for him other than what I've tried to do which is to be supportive and there for him.

It is with real regret I'm realizing - it hasn't worked- and it probably won't work until something within him changes. I don't know how I can make HIM change. I don't think I can.

And that's all I have to say about that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 09:48 am
aidan wrote:
Yeah - after I got home he called me on my home phone and asked me to text him my mobile number because someone had taken his phone and wiped out all the numbers.
His life is one long emergency- as per the Bruce Springsteen song.
Then he texted me to thank me for my help and said he's sorry to be such a bore and I didn't answer because I would have said, 'Yeah - it IS boring- pull your **** together why don't you? You've become very predictable- nothing ever goes right for you. Are you starting to get the picture here?'
It's exhausting.

It's sad, because he is smart and funny but can't pull himself out of his ****. And I see it every single day in the prison. These people get so stuck in the drugs that there's nothing else.

Which brings me to the fact that if this friend of mine is doing drugs or coke - I can't have him in my car. If I get stopped with drugs in my car, I'll lose my job and be deported for god's sake. I work for the prison service! I'm not a citizen of this country!

He hasn't stolen anything from me yet though.

Yeah - it is boring. I deal with this stuff on my job every day- I don't want to spend my leisure time dealing with it.

And speaking of prison - isn't possession of drugs still illegal in the US? How's Charlie sneaking around that issue?
I dunno.
Until all this recent commotion about him,
I was only very peripherally aware of his existence.
I had not seen whatever it is that he does in entertainment.

Presumably, he has been skillful enuf to avoid detection (qua the drugs).

Note that I believe in laissez faire capitalism,
qua traffic in all poisons, including those drugs.
(That does not apply to weapons of mass destruction.)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 09:56 am
chai2 wrote:
IMO aidan, I don't think you're doing your friend any favors by pretending that you don't notice how much he's drinking.

Nor do I think you would be out of line point blank asking him if he's doing coke, or anything else.

You will not be making the situation any worse by bringing it out in the open.
My impression of the situation
is that he is hopelessly too far gone, circling the drain.
I hope that the end of his earthly existence will be as painless as possible.

I suspect that criticism 'd be only fruitlessly annoying
on both sides of the criticism.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2011 10:01 am
Maybe Otis can cheer him up.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Mar, 2011 12:02 am
Well, it only took a catastrophic earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor disaster to knock Charlie off the news...
But, he's been plowing ahead with his plans, which seem to be going remarkably well.

Tickets for his upcoming tour are selling at a fantastic rate. The first two engagements sold out in a record-breaking 18 minutes.
Charlie Sheen's Tour Expands To Canada, 12 Added Cities
by Bryan Alexander

The "Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option" show travels from Toronto to Tampa Bay, FL.

Charlie Sheen's "Violent Torpedo" tour has added 12 additional cities, including two Canadian locations, according to a source familiar with the tour.

"Charlie Sheen's: Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat Is Not an Option" express has added major venues such as the Verizon Wireless center in Houston, Texas (April 26), all the way to Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC (May 2).

The dates will be formally announced shortly.

The one man show has sold out twice at NYC's Radio City Music Hall - the largest venue on his tour so far.

Tickets for the 6,000-seat Radio City ranged in price from $79.50 to $519. For $750, ardent fans can meet the actor, who is now suing his Two and a Half Men bosses for more than $100 million.

Sheen's first engagements in Detroit and Chicago sold out on Ticketmaster.com in a record-breaking 18 minutes.

The new Hollywood Reporter reveals that the actor will pocket about $300,000 for the first two shows.

It will be interesting to see just what Sheen will do once he actually takes the stage. No details have yet been released.

And, on other fronts...

Two cable channels, A&E and TLC, are both airing hour programs about Sheen this coming Sunday night.
So, that will help to keep his publicity momentum going, despite the lull imposed by coverage of obviously more important world events.

The script for a new "Major League" flick appears to be finished, and Charlie's letting everyone know he wants to do it. Now things just have to be worked out with the production company.

Possibly the only minor recent setback for Sheen concerns his lawsuit against Warner Bros. Television--it won't be litigated publicly, as Sheen had wanted. Instead, it will go into confidential arbitration, depriving Charlie of loads of publicity as well as the relish of airing more Hollywood dirty laundry in public.

And, a recent poll found that Democratic leaning voters would pick Sheen over Sarah Palin as a presidential candidate.
Public Policy Polling show Democratic voters overwhelmingly back the actor for President over Palin; Republicans would vote for Sheen over Obama.
Americans loathe Charlie Sheen, but not as much as their opposing party candidates, according to a poll published March 17 by Public Policy Polling, rated the second-most-accurate swing-state pollster in The Wall Street Journal.

10% of those polled rate the troubled actor favorably, 67% unfavorably. (Only Rod Blagojevich, Jesse Jackson, and Levi Johnston have ever polled worse for PPP.)

Yet Democratic voters would back him for President over Sarah Palin by a 44%-to-22% margin. Independents vote Sheen over Palin 41% to 36%.

Republicans would vote for Sheen over President Obama, 37% to 28%.

However, in a general election involving Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, Palin would beat Sheen 49%-29%. Obama would beat him 57%-24%.

Many people continue to applaud Charlie Sheen's insubordinate attitude toward authority and can identify with it.
Hollywood entertainment producer/commentator Mikey Glazer says that Sheen’s “media movement” of nonsensical rhetoric and bashing his former bosses has enthralled so many because he's experiencing something many Americans can relate to.

“From its founding, America has revolutionary DNA and still loves flagrant insubordination. From ‘Office Space,’ to WWE storylines that involve beating up bosses, to the ‘Breakfast Club,’ there's a long pop culture history," Glazer siad. "A majority of Americans hate their jobs. Even if it’s a machete wielding multi-millionaire employee doing the talking in a self-concocted fight, everyone loves to see someone challenge authority.”

“He might be crazy, but he’s sharing kernels of truth about how Hollywood works. Stars are the most important people in entertainment, and people are responding to his lack of discretion," glazer said. "Ironically, Conan O’Brien should have been the one to say things about NBC that Sheen said about CBS, but he didn’t. That made Conan a martyr with a job, who is less interesting than the rebel (Sheen) who goes down with guns blazing.”

And it seems Sheen is like a reality show – only better.

“Right now, audiences demand and crave authenticity. ‘Jersey Shore’ 'guidos' have no filter, ‘Teen Moms’ have no filter and Charlie Sheen has no filter. What you see is what you get,” Glazer continued. “The disconnect between a manicured public perception and an alternate reality torpedoed the likes of Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson, and John Edwards. Their cloud of stink will always be there, but Charlie is playing by his own rules.” http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/03/17/charlie-sheen-saga-eclipses-tiger-woods-michael-jackson-league/

All in all, right now, Sheen does appear to be on a WIN-NING streak, of sorts, even though world events have temporarily pushed him out of the spotlight and loosened his command of media attention. It will be interesting to see what happens with his tour.

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 18 Mar, 2011 07:49 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

How is JJ taking all this, Arella ?
I hope that he is not too upset.
JJ is not into the Hollywood scene. Not yet, anyway! He is drug and alcohol free. He was more concerned about his birthday than he was anyone else. I posted a link to his birthday video on the I Am A Nervous Wreck thread.

I think sozobe is right. I think Charlie is really taking advantage of the fact that his "predicament" is bringing him a lot of publicity, whether good or bad. Personally, I hope he gets help. He was such a fine actor. I loved him in Wall Street and I have always been a Martin Sheen fan.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 05:58 am
Is Charlie still winning?

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