And legal decisions are for the legal profession. This case is not the end of the matter. The decision has the potential to test the "free speech" rubbish to destruction as it will empower others on a rising curve of disgust until a stop is put to it. Free speech was a relatively innocuous matter when the constitution was written but it is not now. The testing to destruction will necessarily involve a very great deal of protracted deliberations by members of the legal profession and the regular drawing of the public attention to their importance and the public having to knuckle under to it.
Many people innocently support "free speech" because they can't imagine people saying anything their own respectable and genteel upbringing has not approved. I cannot give examples very far out of that range, of course, because my free speech is restricted.
The protesters could not have been protesting at the homosexual kid because when they were protesting he was not a homosexual kid. He was a corpse that had lost life in the service of the nation as defined by those we have elected to define it. And whatever sins a Christian might say he had committed it would be allowed that he had been forgiven and he only had to do 0.ooooo1 milli-micro seconds penance in Purgatory for every 50 homosexual acts he had partaken of or thought of when Taliban lead was passing close.
I'm with Alito and farmerman.
Here, I think, the cops would let it be known that they were withdrawing to 3000 yards from the church and leave the silly fuckers to the mercy of the mourners and any passers by who are sympathetic to their point of view. Which is to be allowed to bury ones hero son with dignity, discretion and decorum.
The USSC gets its privilegies by pretending that the law of a civilisation can be written in flame-gouged slabs of slate. Every ammendment is proof they are pretending. I'd abolish the racket after this decision. They are either completely out of touch or are taking the piss.