Did NASA give wrong size of pixels in microscopic images of MER?
NASA said Mars Exploration Rovers (MER)
Opportunity and Spirit take microscopic images at 30 microns per pixel.
However, I often found that pixel size was about ten times too large for many fossil cells/tissues discovered in the microscopic images taken by the two MERs. One recent example is Figure 1:
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Image source (note 1):
Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell/USGS
In above Figure 1, I marked two complete osteons with Haversian canals, lacunae,etc., but found later they were ten times too large according to the pixel size given by NASA. Another example is
Figure 2:
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I repeat: this discrepancy with reality has happened since day 1 of MER’s landing on Mars. Something is terribly wrong.
Note 1: NASA recently made public many newly colorized microscopic images taken by MER Opportunity, displayed at