Thu 10 Feb, 2011 10:31 am
When i look at something althought it is different in random to something else, me as the viewer can in resolution of my own eyes can make it all seem to be the same. If i am taking a picture and not seeing it full stream then how is my brain and time making me view this? i keep thinking that all things are made up of pixels or something that is common. almost like a bee shape hexagon thing. I only wish i knew what i was asking. I am drowning in stupidity, but for some reason it all seems to be just a picture, or like all of this is being projected out and your the projector doing it. what is in front of me exists because i am viewing it, but if all the other stuff exists to me, then it needs to not be present and could not be.
Quote:i keep thinking that all things are made up of pixels or something that is common. almost like a bee shape hexagon thing. I only wish i knew what i was asking.
Going back to your subject title, I'm not sure whether you're referring to how the brain comprehends/represents the world or your're suggesting that the mind-independent universe itself is composed of pixels. If the latter, you may have to revise your "pixels" to rule-switching units like in cellular automata, or the informational bits in theoretical schemes like these:
"The holographic principle thus implies that the subdivisions must stop at some level, and that the fundamental particle is a bit (1 or 0) of information."
"Digital physics suggests that there exists, at least in principle, a program for a universal computer which computes the evolution of the universe. [...] Some try to identify single physical particles with simple bits. For example, if one particle, such as an electron, is switching from one quantum state to another, it may be the same as if a bit is changed from one value (0, say) to the other (1)."
Quote:it all seems to be just a picture, or like all of this is being projected out and your the projector doing it.
"Many ideas in theoretical physics involve extra dimensions, but the possibility that the universe has only two dimensions could also have surprising implications. The idea is that space on the ultra-small Planck scale is two-dimensional, and the third dimension is inextricably linked with time. If this is the case, then our three-dimensional universe is nothing more than a hologram of a two-dimensional universe. [...] If the experiment does find this holographic noise, it would be the first glimpse beyond our three-dimensional illusion and into the universe's true two-dimensional nature at the Planck scale."
The Holographic Principle:
i mean more like if walk outside and look straight i see some stuff. but then if get on a ladder then i see more but with less clarity. like a tit for tat no matter what. then ultimately im on shuttle above earth and i see half of the earth i guess all flat, although now i know it is round, but to me in my eyes it is the size of an actual ball. i mean if i could see it all or hear it all then it could see and hear me all. but it cant because i cant. one thing i know is if i live to be 5,423,000 days and then devide by two i get a number that is the exact middle of my universe to me. all that exists to me is whenever i go is still physicaly related to me in my own time. everyone and everything has a moment of absolute half. As to say for every bit of matter you got just multiply it times two and that is how much nothing you have although it is not there. Nothing is either only time or it is all matter with no time at all.
if light is the fastest then what is the slowest? like the heart beats on off on off so it feels like the whole universe pumps out matter over and over and swallows it up and puts it in order until sooner or later all is sorted and energy is equally consumed with no REASON to move. a moment where all things are in harmony and when that happens bang. when a black hole swallows you up it takes all of you and turns you into little bits of better information for the next go round but the holes will get bigger because we will run out nowhere to go. lol. depending on where you are from the two holes, the one you see and the one you do not because the sun is it or is in it. but all the suns are just one sun split up in time and space. there has to be something to do with sound too. like almost as important if not more. ok, well enough junk. please feel free to erase this mumbo jumbo, and i will be back when i know you have forgot me.. i know i got off on a tangent and got off topic but i just went with it.
here is chris boylens formula. 1 matter equals 2 nothings of the same size. like a 70/30 thing. fr every day i am on earth there has to be the space on both sides of nothing but no time to be.