Thu 10 Feb, 2011 09:38 am
if I had a 1000 people stuffed in a room that fit a thousand people and then i had a room with a thousand people outside a room that will hold the thousand wich one would transfer faster? the people in the room leaving, or the people going into the room? if it is duh is it because the people leaving can go anywhere? but if the room starts to fill up with people then last few people going in speed up because the space has decreased and they are more than likely to not so far from where they are going if the line keeps moving forward. so, which one is faster? can it be measured? silly post question, but if i keep deleting post i will not get anywhere. i had no idea how to title this jargon, so i hope it is not misleading.
Interesting question. This would depend on the excitation of the crowd, as you say. For example, if the thousand people standing outside are subjected to unfavourable conditions (such as cold weather, rain, etc.) they will have greater urgency to get inside.
If the thousand people inside the building are too crowded, you will also find that a crowd will move faster to try to escape (generally speaking).
There is no clear answer to this dilemma because if the potential flow rate for both examples is the same, it depends on the current condition of the individuals. If there is too little or too much crowd excitation, flow rate will be decreased - which is part of the reason we are told to remain calm when exiting a building fire, for example.
for what it is worth ty for any reply. i was beginning to think i was not crazy. lol. if we had a thousand people and had a room and did this a million times over and over i bet one would come to be faster than the other and then a different question arises, why? this question derived from my thought of asking a 1000 people one question. but if these poeple were in a room aswering the same question the answer would be at some time unanimous. but if in random these people all had a different answer to the question outside the room then the one question would i fact have different answers not needing to really know what the answer is. also if god had a million people and put on earth at random instead of in one spot wich grup would survive the longest. the one with each other to help but use up the same energy so too speak or the million that maybe have a chance to meet another one like him. i know all kinds of stipulations make this question junk, but all these thoughts in under ten 3 minutes time drove me to the question that you answered.