@Green Witch,
My wife and I have watched previous seasons of Idol, but are hesitant to get involved, at the moment. Not being a snob or anything, but really wanted to see a big change.
The new judges, hmm, I dunno. Lopez seems to say 'yes' a lot.
What really irks me about Idol is the voting system. I really want to see "one phone call, one vote" put into place, not this multiple voting thing, where it all becomes a popularity contest type-of-thing.
I also think there should be a pre-screening process to keep the wack jobs from getting valuable air time and taking it away from the folks who have real talent.
So, I feel that we may tune in after all the auditions are over and the real judging begins.
Overall, in relation to Idol, I still prefer Survivor and Amazing Race as to the realty type shows though. Looking forward to next month.