Wed 26 Jan, 2011 06:46 pm
I have been searching the internet for this place, supposedly the home of the Lady of the Lake, and most places cannot provide a definitive answer. I would really love to have this question answered if possible. Thank you.
Fella, did you forget about this thread?
re:Reyn, whoa, that goddess can hand me a sword any time she'd like to. Love how what starts off as the Arthurian legend ends up connecting it to comic book cycles. Considering no one has been able to prove that Arthur even existed, or where Camelot could have been, or where the Battle of Camlann which supposedly started it all off took place, finding an actual Lake Benoye is not too likely.
She doesn't look like she weighs 360lbs. What's up with that?
Quote:In an alternate future of the Twenty-First Century, the Lady of the Lake was called upon by Merlin who had brought Iron Man and Dr. Doom to this alternate future. Merlin called on the Lady of the Lake to pass on Excalibur to Iron Man to defeat a threat of that future's Dr. Doom and Iron Man.
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 360 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Strength Level: The Lady of the Lake possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.
Mythical places are such a bitch to find. Personally, I'd like to locate Candy Land.
Reyn wrote:
Fella, did you forget about this thread?
Maybe he found the lake and then proceeded to drown in said lake.