Quote:It is true that you cannot walk through someone, and I think I know 'what you're getting at' by saying that. However, I'll have you consider this....
Quote:... Would 'walking' be possible without thought?
Quote:...Would the 'feeling' of bumping into another human being be possible without thought?
Quote:...Didn't you(thinking) come before all this started?(Including you typing on that keyboard).
You note that not one of those things you asked me to consider removes another person from existing?
The other person may exist in our mind purely as a concept, which is true. - but you appear to be taking that to mean 'our mind creates existance' rather than 'our mind interprets existance', or 'our mind creates interpretations of existance'.
A thing existing in our mind does not remove the possibility of existing without our mind. Of course the thing that 'exists' in our mind is not necessarily an accurate reflection of the 'same' thing that exists without our mind.
It may be that because you understand that our mind interprets everything we sense, and from their our mind also has the ability to 'create'
beyond what is sensed, that everything our mind views is created by us, which is incorrect . At the very base level others exist...which is why we can't walk through them. From that existance, our basic mind senses them. Beyond that, we create our interpretation of them in our mind.
The illusionary nature of self and the universe is only half of the story. The other half is existance of things. So no matter how you try to justify that line of thought to yourself (that people exist
only in your mind), your mind knows that it's clap trap, which is why...no matter how hard you wish to argue for it - you will not try to walk through some musclebound, roid munching meathead (though of course if you do, a little voice in the back of your head will go 'I told you so')