Why on earth are you challenging me? That seems like an ahh...odd thing to do.
Have a look into the term neuroplasticity ( I think I got that right).
All your habits are automated.
English comes fairly automatically to you right? Do you know how speak Ethiopian? Probably not, and if you had to learn, it would be rather difficult...because you have no automatic associations with Ethiopian words or structures of the language.
Have you ever heard of the term 'muscle memory'?
Is walking automated? Yes, because you need balance to do so, and balance is learned (try tight rope walking, or water skiing, or surfing - all these things you need to learn balance for, same with walking).
Your beliefs are automated - they are 'wired' into you. You can change them yes, but until that time they 'guide' you.
What makes Roger Federer a great tennis player? Studies of reflexes of elite athletes show they don't have that much better reflexes than us. What they do have is much better automated programs.
Do you know why people visualise doing difficult processes?
Is the process of driving automatic to you now? Do you remember how you had to concentrate to keep the car straight when you first started, and you had to focus...but now (if you have been driving long enough) you can virtually switch off?
Most of your fears are automated (do you really think you get a choice in them?)
How do you handle yourself in a heated conflict? Does it show a certain pattern? Why do others handle themselves differently? And why is it that you can learn to handle yourself a different way?
How many patterns do you see in the way you live your life?
Seriously, this topic can go on into almost every aspect of your life. And if you dig deeply enough, you'll find something affecting your decisions and actions that is automated.