Tue 3 Dec, 2002 02:53 pm
Being well traveled, I am often asked, "Where are you from?" For ease of conversation I usually respond with the location of my last residence or "Well, I'm originally fromÂ…." This gives the person a stickpin to place in their cerebral map. It gives them a point of origin to locate me. Every one is from somewhere. Yet, it's a shallow response. Where I'm from is not geographic. I'm from experiences of the past, friends I've embraced, emotions I've had, dark places of the soul, sparkling pastures of the heart. I'm from 56 years of life.
If they ask, "Where are you going?" I can only answer, "I don't know, my heart hasn't let me know yet."
So true, morganwood. We are each so complex it would be impossible to sum up our true 'origins' in a short enough time period to satisfy the curiosity of the asker without boring him to death.
I actually gasped out loud when I read "from 56 years of life."