Ill bet, if we put our heads together we could come upwith some outrageous and neat experiment to test this. Lest just keep doing random Scans of living heads and instead of selecting, randonly grb subjects from all types of civilizations
I wanna submit one Just because we cant seem to discern what the selective aspect or advantage is, Im sure that, with continued studies it will be obvious, just like reinforced ALleles of the STR types, where every civilization imparts a special gene compliment.
The only problem will be to get past the PC police.
Id like to test whether , by this method, we could see the brain cap[acity to be affected by being a"generalist" where everyone, has to be well trained in most all needed skills to survive, (eg looking at native and remote innuits and laps etc) then compare that to statistically normatized brain capacities of industrialized country folks.
It wopuld all have to be made with some degree of rigor. Wed have to compare key bone sizes to the brain sizes and body organs etc, because its proportionally relative to the overall mass of the body.
florensis was either a microcephalic dwarf or was a true small person like a smaller pygmy (Definition had been any bodysize in which the adult is less than 4.2 Ft tall) and its branial capacity was still proportionately smaller than ours so hes an outlier already.