I think it is a nonsense word since all will is free, but if You reference Schopenhaur you might see he make an argument against the individuation of the will... And I could agree with this more or less, because will is a quality of life, and all life really... We live so long as we have the will to make it happen... I think the free will question goes back to ideas of fate verses faith, and St. Augustine... But it is a long time since I have read him... The question presumes a creator.... You should try to understand that primitive notions of fate which were once universal were also the only excuse people had for showing mercy, and mercy was then a cause for peace... When one person Killed another, and his family demanded blood money, the killer could alway argue that the death would not have been possible without kismet, and for their part they could still argue a right to compensation because they had been dishonored.... What was the point of one death following another endlessly??? The notion of free will serves our legal system and our legal system has been the destruction of communites because the law treats all as individuals and leaves communities no power over their own... Who has free will and the notion of individual free will served??? Only those willing to unite under some form, like a corporation or law...