sounds like me at Christmas shopping time
smallyrage - extreme irritation at the bludgeoning takeover of the language department. Flames packaged into 7 llier bags.
galleyroams - the Odyssey
Gollymaartes- plural (Dutch origin)
Very fascinating, unusual, or shocking shops.
(from Golly! (exclamation) and maarte= market.
Mostly Regalia - the fashionable royals' favourite store
tyb - an old-fashioned cat
bity- not quite at small as itty bitty
yabit - annoying soft toy that looks like a rabbit but yaps
titbay - popular euphemism for a bra...........
battify - (slang) to elevate to angelhood - like to sainthood (beatify + winged creature, the bat)
bittaly -- how cold it is in Boston right now.
We tend to drop our rs (pronounced "We tend to drop ah ahs").
Oops, just missed. I with draw mine.
Bigfatty - Fat Albert's little known big brother.
Bigfartty- Guy next door who is lactose intolerant, but LOVES banana splits!
Bingfratty - a fraternity devoted to Bing Crosby (See also Hopefratty)
Psst George, we're having a gathering next week at the BPL. Quinn1 has a thread on it (in North America, I think).
BATTYFRINGE -- Farther out than the normal Fringe Element
fly battering - ancient Chinese sport revived by Mao to combat the fly menace. Battered flies are a Chinese delicacy.
Boy flattering -- flirting
Fou - The round, decorative balls of fur left on a poodle after shaving and grooming
fout - when an out in baseball involves the misplacement of the runner's foot. Corruption of "foot out".
frout - a frowning flounce such as girls of 13 perfect when hard done by