Fri 26 Nov, 2010 05:16 pm
Hello, I watched a film on Sky TV about five years ago and can remember everything about it other than the name. Here's the plot:
The film title is the name of the lead character. He is an american university lecturer and at the beginning of the film a student comes on to him in the bathroom during a party. The fall out of this effectively ruins his career, his marriage and his life. This lead character has friends who are ardent anti death penalty campaigners and as his life has been ruined he eventually sacrifices himself for their cause in a great twist of an ending that was up there with Shawshank. He basically set himself up to look like he'd murdered a terminally ill friend. After being tried, found guilty and executed his friends revealed the full extent of their plan which was to dramtically expose the flaws in imposing the death penalty.
I really want to watch this film again and it's frustrating that it's just a guys name, but I'll be damned if I can remember it.
I haven't seen it but
The Life of David Gale seems to fit the description all the down to the critically hated twist in the film.
Yep, that's the one. Thanks very much. Yes it was an odd twist.
De rien! [Twas nothing!]
And welcome to a2k! Hope to read you around.