@failures art,
Quote:Women do not experience feelings of intimidation bringing forth sexual allegations. A public situation would never add to that feeling intimidation. All foolish assumptions.
I think some women have a great liking, even a fondness, for bringing forth sexual allegations. There are a number of advantages they might derive from doing so.
1--They become a theatre, large or small, of attention and it is an obvious fact of life that many women crave attention. It relieves the boredom of inattention.
2--They signal to their competitors that their charms are of such irresistable dimensions that some men, preferably of higher stations in life, will risk the wrath of the law to experience them and will undergo degrees of suffering to have done so. It is well known in evolution the suffering the male is required to submit to in order to be chosen by the female. There are even operas on that score.
3--There is a chance of making money in some cases.
4--They get to act the wronged and victimised little angel of respectabilty whose tender innocence has been taken advantage of by a brute and, in the type of rape or molestation being discussed in this case, have not foregone the experience which one might easily presume they were dressed and generally got up to stimulate in the preliminaries.
5--They are enabled to keep the events at the forefront of their minds and even develop, with reflection, some additional variations.
6--It is self evident that they are not ashamed of what they allege took place because few people will speak openly of things they are ashamed of.
The "intimidation" to which these victims are subjected to, a form of pre-trial cross-examination, is because the police need to be sure the allegations are substantial as they are loathe to go into court and be made monkeys of by a defence counsel.
The victims of real rape are betrayed by frivolous allegations of the sort we are being asked to believe in the Assange case and which the police, as I know from experience, have to regularly deal with and which they see as "grandstanding opportunities". The police know the real thing when they see it and are vigilant in the prosecution of such cases.
One of the conspiracies I referred to earlier is to pretend that the points I made above are ignorable and that every allegation is to be treated as if the puported victim is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and that she will not face cross-examination by a skilled and experienced barrister when push comes to shove and the bloke's fate is on the line.
One of the key modern methods of crime control is to reduce opportunities and temptations to criminality. It thus can be argued that those who support the right of women to be out and about late at night unchaperoned and in fetching attire, and often giddy with free drink or other drugs, are encouraging rape.