Connaly (sp)(the one they wheeled out, and shot in his wheel chair for his part in the Easter Rebellion) said they could raise the green flag over Ireland tomorrow, and that England would still rule them through their banks and counting houses -was correct...
Capitalism is international, and it ties the ruling classes in any country together with the ruling classes in other lands, and they join in loading debt on their people which they then proceed to bleed out of them... Ireland does not much have any hope beside an economic power house like England... We could take our land back and tell England, China and Japan; and all those who own us through debt to come and collect, and throw our ruling class into the ocean and tell them to swim to their friends... If Capitalism worked the Euroland would be a monster of an economy... There is no getting around the fact, that once people have the wealth sucked out of them the economy folds up and dies...