@Mike Sutton,
The conditions for crime can be resumed to :
1 - Possibility
2 - Need
3 - Opportunity
Evolution teach us that opportunity will be created every time there´s need to it given of course its possible...so opportunity its not a passive element on the equation...
...the principle implied in crime perpetration seams to be closely related with the idea of conservation of energy (work) to achieve a specific goal disregarding social conventional rules given a conflict of interests between the subject and the group...
...lack of security is just one of the numerous and often interrelated elements that can provide a sense of opportunity for crime.
...in turn its Need who seams to be the major element conditioning the degree of effort to achieve opportunity out of possibility...
...given crime is the perfect example of an entropy generator that deeply reduces the efficiency of an established social/economical system thus exponentially elevating costs to correct its consequences, an effective prevention concerning the very NEED for crime should be the first primordial factor to properly approach a solution...reducing opportunity beyond security control by diminishing poverty rates in a strong well established moral campus/field are therefore in my personnel perspective the essential elements to reduce crime rates and the substantial remnant of its pernicious effects to minimum levels...
If I remember it correctly, New York in the transition from the 80´s to the 90´s was the perfect example of this turning point on how we should integratedly approach the problem...