I guess there could, under certain circumstance, be a moral dilemma, but not under mine.
I've promised my wife that I will abide by her wishes, and if doing so causes hardship, it will be limited to me.
My kids are all adults. I won't be spending money on medical care for my wife that could or should go towards their development. If I die penniless because I've met my wife's wishes, they won't inherit anything. I'm happy to say that this won't be a problem for them, not because they are all tremendously successful, but because they are not planning their lives based on an inheritance, and, more importantly, they would support my decision.
I suspect that my wife may change her mind when the time comes, but if she doesn't or there is no time for reflection and reconsideration, I'll abide by what she has now expressed as her wishes.
I hasten to add that I'm not laying claim to any heroics, as I fully expect my wife to outlive me, and make the matter moot.
I also hasten to add that I'm sure I won't be delighted to render myself homeless so that I can fulfill her wishes (to the extent possible), but quality of life has as much or more to do with what you think about yourself as how you physically feel.