I can do pretty much the same thing as shewolfnm...but I sold used cars for almost 5 years. Especially BMW 3-series, I know so many stupid little things about those cars(even the real lowdown on the 323/325 question).
Roberta wrote:I can wiggle my ears--one at a time, both together, or alternating right and left. This makes my glasses bounce up and down.
You made me laugh so hard with this detailed description of your unusual talent...
I can wiggle my nostrils really fast... hehehe
First post by dys on this thread. Quote, "I used to be short, dark and Italian but I took a behavior modification class and now I am tall, blond and English."
Two ladies waiting for the bus started talking, and one of the ladies asked the other lady with a baby, "what did your husband give you for having your first baby?" The lady answered, why, you see this beautiful diamond ring? That's what he gave me for the first baby. "Well, isn't that nice" answered the first lady. Actually, the baby with me is our third child, answered the other lady. Well, the other lady asked, what did your husband give you for your second baby? Well, my husband gave me a Juaguar, but it's at home. "Well, isn't that nice" answer the first lady. And again asked, "what did your husband give you for your third baby?" So she answered, "well, my husband gave me a summer home in Florida." "Well, isn't that nice," answered the first lady. The second lady asked the first lady, "do you have any children?" Well, as a matter of fact, "yes, we have one child." "What did your husband give you for your baby?" Well, he gave me a behavior modification class for my gift. You see, I used to say "fxxk you, but now I say, isn't that nice!"
I can turn my eyelids inside out, and I don't really have a belly-button, just a small round area with no hair.
Stationery turns me on.
Id like to have lived in the Victorian era and wear there clothes.Id happily wear clothes from the past.
My sister says this is unusual. I don't know whether it is or not so I thought I'd trot it out and maybe someone can tell me. I've had this habit for decades. I do a stretch where I raise a leg until it's parallel with the floor and then the other (not both at the same time). My sister Jeanne saw it recently at a party and got wide eyed and told me you can't do that. I asked why not. She said because you're 65. But I do do it without any effort and don't think there's anything remarkable about it. Is there?
i have really long toes...they were featured in my yearbook.
i have really long toes...they were featured in my yearbook.
I play the Great Highland Bagpipes
I only have one kidney ...and was born with one less vertebrae in my back then I was supposed to have. I was a preemie which caused the above. Although I did have the second kidney in me - it just never grew and gave me problems as a baby and eventually had to be removed. But not until it totally was non-functional, would they take it out. I went though alot with that dang kidney. Just to lose it in the end anyways.
Also - on my left hand/index finger ..... the tip of my finger is not really attached to the tendon. You can't tell it just to look at me - my hand looks normal. But if I bend that finger the tip of my finger will stay straight. That was caused by my carelessness with a knife. :wink: I cut both the flexor and the extensor tendons. After two hours of surgery and 3 months of therapy I got through it. It will never be perfectly normal but I can't complain.
I'm sure many of you know this but for those who don't I have an unusual avocation. I'm a volunteer who bands migrating hawks for U. S. Fish and wildlife. I've been doing this for 35 years with my pal Mike who has been banding for over 55 years.
I do have a hole in my tail bone though.. you can see it through my skin.. it looks like a bellybutton in the top of my butt-crack.... it is very small though!!
The doctor said the hole is there because that is where we origanlly had tails... lucky I didn't get one of those!
bobsmy, What have you learned from your banding about migrating hawks that most of us are unaware of?
Besides fluctuations in numbers the hawks of today are healthier with brighter plumage than those of 35 years ago. Mike and I are in accord that the absence of DDT is the primary reason. An example of fluctualtion is the American kestrel. As more and more clearing is done thereby diminishing their habitat the number of sightings have dropped dramatically. Turkey vultures are now a common sight as opposed to none when we started. Mass Audubon had a theory at one time that snowy owls migrated south but didn't return north. One of the snowy owls we banded was the first found to have gone back north. The band was recovered at Hudson Bay in Canada. We are the northenmost banding site in the U. S. We also do counts besides catching and banding them. There are people farther north who contribute to the count.
Very good; please keep up the good works. Most are not concerned about our wildlife, and do not concern ourselves with their ecology, but you have my Thank You and your pal, Mike.
Thanks c. i. Part of the value of doing this is that the Department of the Interior of which fish and wildlife is a subdivision has more information to make decisions as to what lands are best to put aside for habitation purposes. We must be licensed by both federal and state agencies.
I too would like to hear more about your efforts bob.
Is there a website that has the information you gather on it?
Are you allowed to photograph the hawks?
Have you ever come into contact with one you have banded on more then on occasion?
I have an identification band on my right ankle.
(But, to be fair, Bob seldom makes those kinds of mistakes anymore.)
As a matter of fact I used a photograph of one of the prettiest hawks we ever caught as my avatar for awhile. One of my bookmarks is the hawk count at Hawk Mountain in Pa. It is the chief banding station in the U.S. and is very important as the site for the convergence of the Atlantic flyway and Ohio valley flyway. Go to the bottom of the home page and you can set to check counts for different dates.
Crazielady420 wrote:I do have a hole in my tail bone though.. you can see it through my skin.. it looks like a bellybutton in the top of my butt-crack.... it is very small though!!
The doctor said the hole is there because that is where we origanlly had tails... lucky I didn't get one of those!

I've got one of those as well! I never thought to ask a doctor about it, I thought it was just a little defect to make up for my lack of belly-button.