Not sure that this sets me aside from everyone else, innie. But I have always had long hair. And it grows, I a weed in the summer. I have a friend that is a beautician and she says it grows twice the normal length. Sort of a pain, really.
Also, about 10 years ago when I was 13....a childhood friend of mine was diagnosed with leukemia. It's right up there on top...of the list of the hardest things I've ever had to go through in my life. I knew of death, I just didn't know how to cope with all the emotions. My parents helped me all they could and I grew up going to church so all of that helped. But it still hurt like heck. One day that was especially hard, I came home from school and went to my room and shut the door. I got down on my knees and told God that I needed Him more then I had ever needed Him. I took all of the pain I had inside of me and just laid it at His feet. Not sure how long I stayed in my knees that day....but when I got up I felt a renewed strength that stayed with me. But something else also happened that night while I was sleeping and has been with me ever since.....and I hope no one thinks I'm crazy. But I get taught things about life while I sleep. Sometimes I go for weeks with nothing....and sometimes it will happen night after night in succession. At times I will wake up during it and I can still hear the voice trailing off.....and I go right back to sleep. But always the next day as soon as I wake up...I am given things to write down. I don't even know till I am done writing what these things are. Alot of times they are just things pertaining to God and his teachings. Other times they might be about something I am going through and need to handle a certain way. I have also been told that I will carry on a conversation with this "person" as I sleep. The teachings are very "gentle". Almost like a father teaching a child. And the voice is very soft and soothing....the few times I've woken up and got to hear a little bit of felt like a comfy blanket lulling me right back to sleep. Anyways....I have tons of writings. I have kept them all.
I am a normal person though.....really I'm not crazy