dyslexia wrote:that "man up" thing is really quite a puzzlement to me. I have no idea what it could mean. (seriously)
Fido wrote:To hear "man up" from a scumbag like Palin who never had to work for a living,
People who are financially in good stead are
not bags of scum, Fido.
Thay are the objects of your jealousy,
better than u, in your judgment.
Fido wrote: who would throw her own children on the altar of political ambition
is the biggest insult the right has ever had to suffer...
I am on the right, having voted for both Goldwater and Reagan; I am not insulted.
I will be the judge of when I am insulted.
The biggest insult was Reagan 's choice of Bush.
The Bushes were not conservatives.
Fido wrote:They all want to have the state do their dirty work,
Yes; the damned thing is the contemptible slave of
we represent the views of the Founders of the Republic, as set forth in the Supreme Law of the Land.
We created it to
We on the right defend the views of the Founders as set forth in the Constitution
against the
sick liberal efforts at
distortion to the left.
We continue the Founders' fight for
Individual Freedom.
WE bear true faith to the libertarianism of the Constitution; u don 't.
You are
not Fido. You are an imposter, a fake.
Fido wrote: and none of them want to pay taxes for the privilage...
Economy is good; Ben Franklin advocated economy.
This woud not be an issue, if all government were funded from sales taxes, wherein everyone pays the same.
Fido wrote:They are so many spoiled brats who can never figure out how the light switch or plumbing works,
and never figure out who has to pay for their fun...
Here u appear to be lost in your leftist hysteria and delusions, beyond the reach of reason.
Will u ever return?
We dunno.
Fido wrote:They shouldn't man up, as if Palin could show them how;
but the should do the country a favor, and drop dead...
I demand that u do the country a favor and jam your head down into the bottom of your toilet
KEEP IT down there, until I give u permission to rise.