So we're here on our honeymoon and we've just two days left. We spent three days in a little town near Bath and of course did all the touristy things. We stayed at a quaint little village, of course, and Alex wowed the crowd in the pub we stayed in with his guitar playing one night - they were such a friendly bunch - turns out I met a woman who knew one lady who'd moved to my city and I knew her! ha ha - she was my son's ex-g/f's aunt - funny, eh?
Then we went to visit Clary (from here) and spent two nights in her lovely town (she kept telling me it's NOT a village!). She was quite entertaining - what a full life she's had... we really enjoyed her and wish we could have stayed another day, but we were booked to visit another A2K-er... so it was on across Dartmoor to visit Izzie and her charming son, dog and cat - what a lovely woman - she's beautiful from head to to and really sweet to boot. She took us to a lovely old pub for dinner in a nearby town and we chatted till midnight. We had to leave her after one night as we had plans to hook up with my British family in Wells.
We met 16 of my dad's side... what can I say - what a great family I have, and didn't even know it! We spent 5 hours together, aunts, uncles, cousins, and some of their offspring. It was warm and fuzzy and just great.
The next day we backtracked and went to Salisbury Cathedral, etc. and didn't have time for more as we'd booked in to stay near London. A lot of driving in involved that day. We got here last night and today spent 10 hours in London doing museums, galleries, wandering about, riding trains and the tube... two more days in London, then we're home.
It's been a jam-packed yet relaxed trip, and we know we have to come back. Next time we'll probably do the south coast villages - I'm sure they're beautiful.
I have to say that the food is a lot better than I expected, the showers are not a dribble like last time, and it's certainly not as expensive as I remember - pretty much on a par with Canadian prices. I have to admit, though, I am sick to death of being offered chips and peas with everything

How about a carrot or two? And at one horrible pub in Glastonbury (the Queen's Head, please avoid it), they charged for condiment packages! Well, what do you expect in that strange new-age-y town? What a weird experience. We went there for the abbey, and if you go, do, but don't stay there - weird, weird, weird!
Anyway, it's been great overall, and I'm looking forward to the last two days.