Mon 4 Oct, 2010 07:22 pm
I have a question that is related to Epistemology. Our task
at hand is to match a theory of knowledge, a theory of reality,
and a theory of truth. Apply it in essay form and show an
example showing our instructor we have the basic understanding.
All three have to work with each other though. My example
was going to be "everything that lives must experience death".
For this example I have taken A'posteriori Knowledge, Critical
Realism, and Coherence or Objective theory. Narrowing in on
the (knowledge part, where I am having trouble) I was wondering if Plato or Descartes
was better to use for the example. I have a rough draft or skeleton frame of
my essay I was going to use :
Death is an unavoidable end of life. It is an undisputed fact
that everything that lives must die. We are all familiar with
death in some way, be it directly or indirectly. Death is
a critical reality we all must face. There are no facts to
refute it and no facts to deny it. Even someone with a belief
system of an afterlife still has to accept that it requires
the actual event of death. Everyone dies , not exactly in
the same way but still the end result is death.
Any help you could provide will be appreciated.
I'm not sure of your exact point, but allow me to make 1 myself.
Thing is Imo it's very importaint to apply "importaince" and "singificance" to the equation, a psycotic person would reason that we all would die sooner or later, thus kill his victims in a selfrighteous killing spree, because he has a distorted reasoning, not caring for basic moral and ethics.
susanking75 wrote:
I have a question that is related to Epistemology. Our task
at hand is to match a theory of knowledge, a theory of reality,
and a theory of truth. Apply it in essay form and show an
example showing our instructor we have the basic understanding.
All three have to work with each other though. My example
was going to be "everything that lives must experience death".
For this example I have taken A'posteriori Knowledge, Critical
Realism, and Coherence or Objective theory. Narrowing in on
the (knowledge part, where I am having trouble) I was wondering if Plato or Descartes
was better to use for the example. I have a rough draft or skeleton frame of
my essay I was going to use :
Death is an unavoidable end of life. It is an undisputed fact
that everything that lives must die. We are all familiar with
death in some way, be it directly or indirectly. Death is
a critical reality we all must face. There are no facts to
refute it and no facts to deny it. Even someone with a belief
system of an afterlife still has to accept that it requires
the actual event of death. Everyone dies , not exactly in
the same way but still the end result is death.
Any help you could provide will be appreciated.
What does it mean to "match" these theories, I wonder. But why choose such a complex and unclear example (if that is what you are expected to do)? Why not choose an example like, Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun? In any case, doesn't the question ask you to deal with some particular theories of knowledge, truth, and reality? I don't see how your answer does that. (But maybe I just don't understand the question).