I have neither proofs nor confutations to offer.
You asked for thoughts, and that's what I have tried to present.
I have no more evidence for my views than you have for yours, maybe less...
north wrote:
Quote: Stating that human life is the most important thing on earth to preserve, more than God if it comes to that, is something most people tend to agree with.
yet what is your evidence for this thinking , for I see no evidence
As I said I am not here for presenting evidence. I find this theme of the the absolute value of the preservation of humanity, without "if-s" and "but-s", echoed in many posts appearing on A2K, the reply that you got in this thread seems not to contradict that.
north wrote:
Quote: My minority report is that such a view will eventually turn humanity in something else, something that is not really human (or too human).
what something else ?
There is not a single answer for that. It is a complex issue that I am not able to unravel it in a few lines. There would be also a key distinction to do between the ideology and the actual set of leading (moral) values. In my view a thoroughly objective analysis is not possible here - leaving aside if a thoroughly objective analysis is possible at all in philosophy.
Anyway, just as an example, even the French Revolution, which probably was the first to embrace this religion of humanity, posited reason and freedom as the greatest goods to achieve, not the preservation of humanity.
north wrote:
Quote:What's the future for men not accepting any risk for imposing themselves on their environment, escaping conflicts and violence? We shall know that soon, I guess. The last (western) men will peacefully respect the human rights while their civilization wanes and eventually dies.
(Btw, I do not mean that the war on terror has been an appropriate response).
that is something we must all learn
not just western man but ALL of man
name me a part of the globe that has all three under control
Sorry, but I fail to understand your point.
What are the three out of control? (risk, conflict and violence? I still don't get the point).
north wrote:
Gandhi was of Humanity
christ is not
Regardless who was what, Gandhi was not against religion as Christ was not against humanity, far from it for both of them. Still, IMO none of them posited the preservation of humanity as their goal. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that Gandhi would have agreed that no man man should be killed in the name of God, but probably because of what he considered to be the true nature of religion.
north wrote:
Quote:An individual in itself - stripped of anything it has done or could do - has no great value IMO, his "rights" are not in the natural order of things and, ultimately, every individual is expendable.
where did this come from ????
That would be my opinion...
As outrageous as it may sound to you, I am not going to change it because of 4 question marks. (But, of course, you are free to dislike it and criticize it).
north wrote:
Quote:(As I see it, this is as one of the reasons that have made mankind flourish to date. I guess that this last statement is something you could not ever subscribe. But do not worry. I fear that the future, a very short future anyway, will be different).
because of god
god will be the down fall of Humanity
(I believe that you attach some importance to capital letters, therefore Humanity with "H" shows the respect you pay to it, while god with "g" your disrespect. I have nothing against that, I just inform you that my use of caps and smalls is not symmetric to yours).
I do not mean to defend God, he definitely would not need me to do that and, anyway, he's dead...
But the old God had the quality to sustain and push men through life, occasionally to death too - btw, we all shall die some day, also in the foreseeable future.
(I would find more dignifying to be slain by the hand of god (or his agents) rather than being run over by a truck, or electrocuted by a hair drier fallen in my tub - but that's just a matter of personal taste, I guess).
Weather humanity is a better god than God... well I just tried to say that I do not think so, at least not for the humanity seeking self-preservation as the greatest good.