the grandson of a friend of my aunts, had a weird experience with the school system, the kid had been in an accident and had suffered a closed head injury, his only real problem was concentration, the insurance company for the person responsible for the accident paid for a helper to attend school with the child, the helper basically sat with the child and kept him focussed, no teacher ever complained about the woman being there and the child did very well in school, the principle had a real issue with it for some reason and took the family to court a few times saying the woman was a distraction (something the teachers denied), he even complained about the money being spent (none of his business since it had nothing to do with the school or school board)
the case never went anywhere, the kid and helper continued on, as the kid got older his brain seemed to reorganize itself and his concentration improved
one thing i remember his grandmother saying, was how hard it was at first to get people to accept the problem, since her grandson looked and mostly acted normal, she said if he'd been confined to a wheelchair, head lolling and drooling, they wouldn't have had half the issues they did