PDiddie wrote:Spelling and punctuation and sentence composition are all a reflection of a person's education and intelligence.
I don't think people ought to use words that they don't know how to spell. There are several online dictionaries where one can verify spelling and meaning. I use them all the time. Hell, this website has a spellcheck for posting.
It's just an observation on my part that folks on the boards who exhibit some of the same reading, spelling, and comprehension difficulties also tend to agree with Bush that Saddam and al-Qaeda planned 9-11, that WMDs are still waiting to be discovered in Iraq, and that Wal-Mart is a great place to shop for everything one might need.
It could be that they got a nice Wal-Mart-style education -- ubiquitous, woefully inexpensive, served up by overworked and underpaid people and complete with a valueless warranty.
Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
When you back down from your own observation that is a sign of weakness. Shame. Don't back down from what you believe by putting up such a good fight by saying that you could be wrong. It should say "would" be wrong but hey I know I'm right.
This spelling thing doesn't bother me. Say what you want. Say it over and over again if you want. But no matter how many times you say it, it will not make the statement fact.
I say that people who make fun of spelling mistakes have a hard time coming up with a reasonable debate method and fall back on the lame one of spelling. They don't have the tools to put up a word sparing match. They fall back on dictionarys to help them in the fight of the mind and the wit. Such a crutch. Boring one at that. Plus the spelling thing has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which is Wal-Mart. Though you did throw in the fact that I might have got my education at Wal-Mart. Nice try in trying to keep your less than satisfactory comment on track.
It is a method of "stupid" to make fun of someone's speaking or spelling when a very valid point has been made, but is brushed aside. You are exactly what you hate. Someone who is picking on the little guy. Good job though in making yourself look so smart in reading the dictionary. I read that and almost fell asleep. Which you are quite the boring one. Dictionary reading? Come on anyone who does that couldn't possibly be entertaining.
Long winded? Yes I am. Oh let me touch a little more on the spelling: you may not think I did but I did check spelling. No need to feel sorry for me, not that I think you are going to being heartless and all, but I could never spell. The hardest thing for me was spelling in school. I was in special classes for reading because I was behind. I passed any spelling test by the skin of my teeth getting C's. I would study and study but it would never stick. But the funny thing is, is that I had reading problems and took a long time to learn to read correctly but grew up loving reading. I read book after book after book after book. I probably read way more than you. Two to three hours a night and more during the day. And I love to write. Ernest Hemingway couldn't spell either.
I don't like Bush. I really don't think anyone is smart enough to run this country. But it doesn't matter what I think on that.
So in conclusion I find you stupid. Stupid because of the way you base intelligence via the internet. Stupid because you don't even know me but your comfortable in claiming I have a lower education just because of my spelling mistakes. Stupid because that is all you have prove to me thus far. You give me no reason to think you have enough I.Q. points to get out of the range of stupid. And don't bother trying because I will never think of you in the same light as intelligent. Never.
Oh and cry all you want, post all you want about Wal-Mart this Wal-Mart that wa wa wa wa, it doesn't matter. Wal-Mart is everywhere. Wal-Mart will always be everywhere and you will probably die and Wal-Mart will out live you. But go on and keep up the crying and complaining about their bad business. It all boils down to the fact that you didn't think of it and your jealous of all the money that they have accumulated. Your not smart enough to have come up with the idea of "Wal-Mart". I know so.