I hate to dig up this old thread again. But it looks like Walmart has succeeded in putting Albertsons out of business. See article:
Albertsons may put itself up for sale
It's not just Walmart, I say Bush played a part. In Bush's economy where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, fewer people can afford to shop at the traditional grocery store so they shop at alternatives like Walmart, Winco and Costco. It's ironic that those rich executives at Albertsons probably voted for Bush. Another example of people voting against their own economic best interest. Only this time it's the rich that pays the price.
I shouldn't complain though, because I work for one of those above mentioned discount stores. I'm paid very well so you know it isn't Walmart that I work for, and the worse the economy gets the more likely people are to shop at discount stores. So I'm not worried. I just see the injustice because I've been poor most of my life. So I know what it's like to hunt for scraps in the kitchen cabinets. Albertsons troubles and the success of the discount stores is such an obvious consequence of Bush's economy, I'm surprised more people don't see it.