vets coming home

Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 06:29 am
People like JTT aren't concerned with fact-checking--it's all about the political point of view, and finding something, anything which will seem to support what it is that he/she/it already believes to be true.
High Seas
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 07:02 am
True - but readers of his malicious fantasies owe it to their own readers (and also to themselves) to do their own fact-checking before disseminating them further. At least if they're readers of at least some education and intelligence, as Aidan is purported to be - and of some elementary integrity as well.
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 07:12 am
Setanta wrote:

I expect you're referring to that obsessional idiot JTT. ...To me, he/she/it is no different than an hysterical right-wing propagandist, like Okie or H2Oman.

The only times I read his posts is when someone else quotes them - as Aidan just did. But I disagree with you on Okie and H2O man: if you spot an error in something they write, and explain it to them, they correct it - at least in my experience. They don't wittingly disseminate malicious propaganda, unlike JTT.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 07:15 am
The first time Aidan quoted JTT, the claim was that the Vietnam War was an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation, and those who participated as members of the army or Marines were therefore criminal. I pointed out why this was not true, and that in fact if the RV was a sovereign nation, it was their right to join SEATO and to accept American troops in their territory. I don't, of course, know if the clown JTT actually responded to my dismissal of that silly claim because i don't read its posts. I'm not now reading Aidan's posts because she's been quoting him. It would be interesting (slightly) to know if the clown made any attempt to rebut my remarks, but not interesting enough to lead me to actually read any of the drivel it routinely posts.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 07:17 am
@High Seas,
Okie has branded me a communist because i pointed out errors in his claims about the economy, and said he was putting me "on ignore." I find that to be just as unrealistic and hysterical as JTT.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 07:22 am
For a wonderful example of the extent to which Okie is an hysterical right-wing fanatic, see his thread on dictators. That was the thread in which he accused me of being a communist, by the way.

It's kind of hilarious, really. Right-wing fanatics accuse me of being a socialist or communist, and left-wing fanatics like JTT or Zippy accuse me of being a reactionary or a fascist.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 08:18 am
I expect you're referring to that obsessional idiot JTT. I can't be sure, because as is said, i don't read its posts. I'm not going to read Aidan's posts, either, if she continues to quote it.

You are such a petulant little child, Setanta.

He/she/it's an hysterical left-wing propagandist. It appears he/she/it only reads and believes other hysterical left-wing propagandists. To me, he/she/it is no different than an hysterical right-wing propagandist, like Okie or H2Oman.

The facts are there, but despite the facts that clearly and unequivocally show that the US has engaged in some god awful escapades, you are silent. Wonder why that would be, the great "historian" and all.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 08:21 am
Setanta, thousands upon thousands have died, are still dying, lives are being destroyed and you go on playing your childish little games. A big whiny baby is what you are. A big whiny piece of chickenshit.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 08:44 am
@High Seas,
These folks pass try to pass themselves off as thinkers. Yet High Seas isn't willing to read the material. She too, nothing but a petulant child.

Let's allow that the two points she raised have validity. What of all the other information in the article? She and Setanta don't want to read that, of course. Their eyes would glaze over after a few sentences and their brains would go into shutdown mode.
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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 08:52 am
@High Seas,
In a nutshell, I give you High Seas.

True - but readers of his malicious fantasies owe it to their own readers

The only times I read his posts is when someone else quotes them

0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 09:16 am
Setanta, the "historian" writes, yet again:

The first time Aidan quoted JTT, the claim was that the Vietnam War was an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation, and those who participated as members of the army or Marines were therefore criminal. I pointed out why this was not true, and that in fact if the RV was a sovereign nation, it was their right to join SEATO and to accept American troops in their territory. I don't, of course, know if the clown JTT actually responded to my dismissal of that silly claim because i don't read its posts. I'm not now reading Aidan's posts because she's been quoting him. It would be interesting (slightly) to know if the clown made any attempt to rebut my remarks, but not interesting enough to lead me to actually read any of the drivel it routinely posts.

Foot in mouth much. I think that this has to stand as the most feet in a mouth in all of history and only someone with as big a mouth as you, Set could have pulled it off.

As I quoted, Vietnam was not a member of SEATO. SEATO was a merely a ploy for the USA to cover their illegal asses. SEATO's "longevity" points to what a farce it was; you pointing it up points to what a farce you are!

Set wrote in another thread:

There are a lot of people who abuse history for political reasons, including academic "historians", who, in my experience, are the ones most likely to do it. Conflating political points of view with historical synthesis is the bane of good historiography, and explains to a large extent why people are so dismissive of history and its study.

Once again, to illustrate the extent of your mendacious ways.

After Geneva, the U.S. replaced France as South Vietnam's chief sponsor and financial backer, but there never was a treaty between the U.S. and South Vietnam.


SEATO , alliance organized (1954) under the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty by representatives of Australia, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and the United States.

Note that Vietnam was not a signatory nor was it a member. What was that you said about the need for accuracy in the study of history, Set?

Established under Western auspices after the French withdrawal from Indochina, SEATO was created to oppose further Communist gains in Southeast Asia. The treaty was supplemented by a Pacific Charter, affirming the rights of Asian and Pacific peoples to equality and self-determination

affirming the rights of Asian and Pacific peoples to equality and self-determination; jaysus, could these assholes, led by the USA, be anything but the epitome of HYPOCRISY.

That's exactly what the people of Vietnam wanted was equality and self determination. Eisenhower himself figured that 80% of the people would vote for Ho Chi Minh, so what does he do but sabotage the planned election.

Then the USA proceeded to "equality" three to five million SE Asians into their graves, when there was enough left to be able to bury. Carpet bombing the people you wish to extend "equality" to doesn't leave a lot to bury.

Then the USA proceeded to spread chemical weapons across the countryside, chemical weapons that are causing cancer rates to soar and babies to be born deformed.

Nice work you guys. And High Seas is concerned about getting the percentages right on the troops who served and Setanta is concerned about distorting the historical record.

Which one of them is Dumb and which is Dumber?

Set wrote: People like JTT aren't concerned with fact-checking--

How does ehBeth understand you with your foot constantly in your mouth?
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 10:55 am
JTT, I read a book some years ago by Daniel Ellsberg on the Vietnam War, and he reveals too the mistakes and misinformation by the Johnson administration to start that illegal war. The following from Wiki explains some of it:
Federal Government, American Constitutional Crisis

"Let the eye of vigilance never be closed."

-Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 1821.

Daniel Ellsberg is a former U.S. Marine and military analyst who precipitated a constitutional crisis in 1971 when he released the "Pentagon Papers." The papers comprised the U.S. military's account of theater activities during the Vietnam War. Ellsberg released top secret documents to The New York Times. His release of the Pentagon Papers succeeded in substantially eroding public support for the Vietnam War. A succession of related events, including Watergate, eventually led to President Richard M. Nixon's resignation.

The Pentagon Papers were mostly an indictment of the Democratic administration of Lyndon B. Johnson, but they fed the Nixon administration's preoccupation with finding information and document leakers. They eventually led to the secret White House "Plumbers" group and then to Watergate. In its turn, Watergate led to the first resignation of an American president, Richard M. Nixon. The Pentagon Papers contained plans to invade Vietnam, even though President Johnson had told the public that he had no intention to stage an invasion.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 12:00 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I'd like to read that book, CI.

The really damning thing in this was that Ellsberg took these papers to members of Congress, to people who were supposed to be watchdogs, you know, checks and balances on the executive power, first, and they did nothing. Isn't lying to Congress an offense?

But way before that, the CIA had been doing their normal illegal cover/black ops, setting up death squads, interfering in another country's affairs, which is, for anyone with a scintilla of honesty in their bones, [scratch Cycloptichorn, Ticomaya and many others] textbook terrorism.
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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2010 06:40 pm
The full passage reads: "The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever pretensions of politicians, pedagogues other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else."


Setanta and High Seas stand as as irrefutable proof that H. L. Mencken was dead on in his assessment.

Setanta whines:

I'm not now reading Aidan's posts because she's been quoting him.

As if he couldn't see in the original that Aidan had quoted me. I call bullshit. I strongly believe, given what I've seen of Setanta over the years, [High Seas too] that he is lying.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 06:15 am
@High Seas,
The U.S. troops in Vietnam were mostly draftees, drawn disproportionately from the worst-off quarters of the population: poor and black. Better-off young men, predominantly white college students, managed in one way or another -- including leaving the country in great numbers -- to avoid the draft; they and their families were the main support for the politically crucial draft resistance movement.

Myth: The war was fought largely by the poor and uneducated.

Servicemen who went to Vietnam from well-to-do areas had a slightly elevated risk of dying because they were more likely to be pilots or infantry officers.

Vietnam Veterans were the best educated forces our nation had ever sent into combat. 79% had a high school education or better.

Not to split hairs, but the second statement does not negate the first. Nor does the statement that a slightly higher death rate of a small subset of the population make the statement, The war was fought largely by the poor and uneducated a myth.

The word "uneducated" wasn't used in the original quote. We all know that staying in college for the duration of the war was the goal of many. There were probably more Masters degrees and PhDs granted during the late 60s and early 70s than ever before. I don't question the statistics or summaries you quoted, but they don't make the original quote untrue.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 06:24 am
From November, 1969, there were no longer any college deferments. The main way, even when those deferments were available, that young men of affluent families avoided conscription was through the National Guard, which was almost entirely white and middle class. Additionally, the poor were disproportionately conscripted--and there are far more poor whites than there are poor blacks, Hispanics or Amerindians.

None of that drivel supports the outrageous statement to which i objected, which was the entirely specious claim that the United States illegally occupied a sovereign nation, and that therefore the American participants in that war were criminal. This is a diversion from, not a defense of that original statement.
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 06:34 am
Setanta wrote:

None of that drivel supports the outrageous statement to which i objected, which was the entirely specious claim that the United States illegally occupied a sovereign nation, and that therefore the American participants in that war were criminal.

dunno about the first part - that one seems to be a toss up based on what you and JTT are posting. I completely agree with you on the second part.
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 06:42 am
Aidan quoted JTT, whose posts i don't read. Othewise, i'd never have responded to his idiocy. It's is self-contradictory on the face of it. If one recognizes that the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) were a sovereign nation, one is not in a position to object to that nation entering into a treaty (SEATO--the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization), to which the United States was also signatory, and the allowing American troops in their territory. This is typical of ranting, propagandist positions--it contradicts itself, and the ranter can't even see that.

All of the rest of the nonsense which apparently has been posted since (remember, i don't read JTT's posts, and have stopped reading Aidan since he/she/it wants to quote JTT) does not bear on that.

If the history to which i alluded about the war is going to be questioned, then someone is going to be obliged to find reliable souces which will contradict the great majority of historical commentators, and would only get away with that by presenting verifiable evidence. I sincerely doubt that that has been done in this thread.
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 06:51 am
Well, Set, you're saying they entered into a treaty and he says they didn't. I don't know if they did or not. That, to me, makes it a toss up. I'm not naive enough (or trusting enough) to think that the US government wasn't capable of manipulating a situation to get what it thought was the best deal for itself. His presentation might be hysterical at times, but I don't deny that it's plausible. I do deny his assertion that all members of the military are the ones who carry the guilt of any such manipulation.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2010 07:10 am
As HS pointed out, these things can be solved by fact-checking. This Wikipedia article lists the Republic of Vietnam as a "Dialog Partner" of SEATO. Now, one can argue that Ngo Dinh Diem was not an elected representative of the Vietnamese in the Republic of Vietnam, but Ho Chi Mihn was no more a elected representative of the people of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Eisenhower pledged his support, including military material and advisors to the RV, based on the goals of SEATO, to exclude communism from Southeast Asia. Both France and Pakistan, voting members of SEATO, blocked attempts to authoize the defense of the RV by SEATO members. That does not alter, however, the right of the government of the RV to accept U.S. military aid and troops. If one argues against the legitimacy of the government of the RV, the same arguments can be advanced against the DRV. This is why i described the entire affair as tragic, with no good guys on any side of the conflict.

Once again, if one considers the RV to have been a sovereign nation, one cannot deny the right of the RV to accept American aid and troops. And as far as the war is concerned, the DRV was clearly the instigator and the aggressor. Likely, without the DRV, there still would have been a Viet Cong because of the wide-spread hatred of Diem. But the Viet Cong would have not have been much of an insurgency without direct material support from the DRV, and the infiltration of the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) into the RV beggars any claim that the DRV was innoncent in these matters. They invaded the sovereign nation for which JTT sheds his crocodile tears.

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