Quote:josh0335: The focus of attention should be on whether the value of the premises are "valid" to determine whether the DS is of any use.
Then I'm sorry I missed the point of your question (in another forum). I see that the "valid" terminology is straightened out now.
I believe that, in theory logic, aka predicate, aka "first order," aka logic of math (with material implication turned off), aka "the logic that includes the terminology 'well formed formula,'" that Owen phil is correct when he says:
Quote:Owen phil: [(2+2=4) or (*9*65n6h%%$)], has no truth value at all...it is not a well formed formula.
But I don't believe this is true in the logic of debate (propositional, "material implication" turned on). I think this is your context because you implied your purpose was mostly about "red herrings."
I think that, in the logic of debate, a meaningless premise or proposition is taken as "false," so that the disjunction still works. In the logic of debate, the proposition:
"X is red"
is really two propositions, one being implied by the material implication rule: "Red exists" and "X=Red."
So, if the first proposition is false, then the evaluation stops there, the proposition is considered false, and one never gets to the second proposition "X=Red", i.e. it is thrown away.
I don't know anything for sure, but if I am correct about that, and assuming it is true that X=red, then in the statement:
"X=Red or X=bhgytyiu" you have a True and a False, the expression evaluates to True.
"X=4 sided triangle or X=5 sided square" you have an F, F, since neither exists, so the expression evaluates to F.
But if we start from the opposite direction by asserting that (P or Q) is true, but that "X=4 sided triangle" is false, then "X=5 sided square" evaluates to true, at least in theory.
But, again, I think that in the logic of debate, the argument would still evaluate to "false" unless the beginning assertion included "5 sided squares exist."
A question for kennethamy:
Quote:1. X is either a 4-sided triangle, or X is a 5-sided square. 2. X is not a 4-sided triangle. Therefore, 3. X is a 5-sided square.
Is a valid argument. Disjunctive syllogism.
Is calling that argument a "syllogism" proper terminology, or are you
just adopting it to be cooperative? I dont' know the answer, but I wonder which logic(s) is implied? Propositional, boolean, predicate?