kennethamy wrote:
ikurwa89 wrote:
Who said anything about the earth rotating?
Isn't that based on your senses? Do you honestly take your senses as a reliable took for measuring or probing the universe when YOU know very well it has shown discrepancy in the past?
"Reliable" does not mean, "infallible". To say that a car is a reliable car does not mean it is impossible that it should break down. It means that it is unlikely to break down. The same is true of our sense-perception which is a reliable as it can get, but not infallible. In addition, when we are mistaken due to the fallibility of sense perception (not unreliability, fallibility) the only way we can detect such mistakes are though (you guessed it) sense-perception. So even to detect mistaken sense-perception, we rely on sense-perception. And, furthermore, how do we correct mistaken sense-perception? You guessed it again. We rely on sense-perception to correct sense-perception.
this is not stated exactly corretly... We have learned to used sense perceptions to build more sensitive instraments of test... Which allow us to learn more which adds to the sensitivity of our sensing equipment... At some point, we involve matter itself in our tests as with the gas used to sense radiation in Geiger counters... We begin with sight and from there are ables to sense a whole range of radiation, even being able to translate what was invisable into visible wavelengths of light... Yes, sense-perception is at the beginning and end of the process, but some where in the middle is a more objective measure, and the ultimate test of all reality, our lives, and whether anything goes beyond the threashold of sense, to pain, and death....