everything is not one thing, bc truth exist so everything is an objective reality
u confuse all bc u r liars or bc u mean urself end, in both cases u r wrong revealin wrong being wht dare abuse what it knows being existing to pretend being existing instead
it is amazin how ur gods and u r
evil ways is what seek to abuse the knowledge how one thing is like everything, only to get smthg out of putin everything down
everything is like one thing only by its free superiority, when truth is superiority and truth exist then everything is the reality of its own existing free superiority realisation, but also a thing is individual free realisation to itself being real or presence wills
then it becomes easy for what enjoy any sense of existing in being superior to true existence, so for liars and for what cant mean but themselves life so never else even in concept of knowin its existence
it becomes easy in that case, to take advantage of knowin that everything freedom or superiority cant b existing so to abuse everything from weak perspective then to any thing freedom presence that could b forced and possessed for
otherwise everything is like anything in value of true existence, anything exist then so poor thing and that means a lot for truth value being existing since a thing exist also individually free realizin itself, of course u dont care for what i say u r inferiors, but true superiority is what know how a thing there is much more value then everything freedom which is easy doing or without doing or involvin its free superiority pick it is done anyways since everything
but it doesnt matter when smthg exist truly then finish anything of matters a lot like anything else that matters bc it is real it is always happening or there
the value of truth is infinite, it is true that is much mroe value then how truth is objective superior values