Mame wrote:
I totally trust my intuition. That's the little voice or feeling that
makes you hesitate before stepping off the curb, you don't know why,
but you hesitate and just then a truck hurtles past. Or you're
driving in unfamiliar territory and you come to a fork and you
have a hunch you should take the left one and it turns out to be
the correct choice.
In NY, trial lawyers have a lot of time on their hands, in court,
while waiting to do things like confer with the judge for settlement,
or getting rulings, or waiting to select a jury.
We have (or had, in my case) a lot of time to talk.
There was a trial lawyer for the NYC Corp. Counsel named David, a big fellow,
extroverted, a little loud of mouth, a
very slight bit ruff.
I woud
not have expected
HIM to come out with this:
I heard him tell someone there was a road trip that he ofen took
driving with his family, wife and children. It is usually e z and uneventful.
He said that on one occasion, he saw his deceased grandmother,
who told him to get out of that lane of traffic, on an emergency basis.
He saw no reason to do so -- no emergency, but he followed that
guidance from his deceased grandmother, then something
dramatic happened in the lane that he had just evacuated,
such as to have caused a horrible crash of his car, if he had stayed there.
He was very emphatic about his sincerity.